I've found a great little program that will allow me to add user friendly GUI's to my Bash Scripts;
However the whiptail man page isn't all that helpful and doesn't provide any examples. After doing some google searches I understand how to create a simple yes/no menu using whiptail:
#! /bin/bash
# http://archives.seul.org/seul/project/Feb-1998/msg00069.html
if (whiptail --title "PPP Configuration" --backtitle "Welcome to SEUL" --yesno "
Do you want to configure your PPP connection?" 10 40 )
echo -e "\nWell, you better get busy!\n"
elif (whiptail --title "PPP Configuration" --backtitle "Welcome to
SEUL" --yesno " Are you sure?" 7 40)
echo -e "\nGood, because I can't do that yet!\n"
echo -e "\nToo bad, I can't do that yet\n"
But what I would really like to build a file select menu using whiptail to replace some old code I have in a few different backup/restore bash scripts I have:
#This script allows you to select a file ending in the .tgz extension (in the current directory)
echo "Please Select the RESTORE FILE you would like to restore: "
select RESTOREFILE in *.tgz; do
break #Nothing
echo "The Restore File you selected was: ${RESTOREFILE}"
I assume this has to be done via the '--menu' option of whiptail, but I am not sure how to go about it? Any pointers? Or can you point me in the direction of some whiptail examples?