this is my implementation, and it works perfectly. It finds the first occurance of the requested day in SQL datetime (in 1753) and calculates how many days to add to get to the first occurence in our selected year/month. Once we have that we simply case test the result of adding x weeks to that date to ensure it always lands within the selected month.
This is extreamly handy for those of you who have thought about UTC dates:times in an SQL database. If you want to graph 'result-over-time' and that time spans a couple months knowing the daylight-bias and when it commences/ends is invaluble information for your query.
Create function dbo.DST_From_MSStandardDate
@year int,
@month int,
@week int,
@hour int,
-- Sun = 1, Mon = 2, Tue = 3, Wed = 4
-- Thu = 5, Fri = 6, Sat = 7
-- Default to Sunday
@day int = 1
Find the first day matching @day in the month-year
requested. Then add the number of weeks to a minimum
of start of the month and maximum of end of the month
returns datetime
declare @startPoint datetime
declare @finalPoint datetime
declare @firstDayInMonth datetime
declare @begin_week datetime
-- Create the base date
set @startPoint = dateadd(mm,(@year-1900)* 12 + @month - 1,0)
-- Check for valid day of week
if @day between 1 and 7
-- Find first day on or after 1753/1/1 (-53690)
-- matching day of week of @day
select @begin_week = convert(datetime,-53690+((@day+5)%7))
-- Verify beginning of week not before 1753/1/1
if @startPoint >= @begin_week
select @firstDayInMonth = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,@begin_week,@startPoint)/7)*7,@begin_week)
-- Case for an offset, some weeks have 5 weeks, others have 4 weeks.
set @finalPoint = dateadd(hour,@hour,dateadd(wk,@week-
when datepart(month,dateadd(wk,@week,@firstDayInMonth))>@month then 1 -- day lands in the following month
when datepart(month,dateadd(wk,@week,@firstDayInMonth))<@month then 0 -- day lands in the proceeding month
else 0
return @finalPoint