Try this example:
if object_id('tempdb..#student') is not null drop table #student
create table #student
sid int
,sname varchar(10)
,lastname varchar(10)
,age int
insert #student select 1,'Joe','Block',20
union all select 2,'Adam','Brad',30
union all select 3,'Kevin','Campbell',33
union all select 4,'Mike','Gust',40
SELECT * FROM #student
if object_id('tempdb..#course') is not null drop table #course
create table #course
cid int
,sid int
,coursename varchar(15)
,duration int
,courselanguage varchar(10),
pos varchar(15)
insert #course select 1,1,'Maths',2,'English',2
union all select 2,1,'Science4',1,'Spanish4',1
union all select 2,1,'Science',1,'Spanish',3
union all select 3,1,'Geography',1,'Dutch',4
union all select 4,2,'Maths',2,'Dutch',2
union all select 5,2,'Science',2,'English',4
union all select 5,4,'test',545,'testlang',2
SELECT * FROM #course
declare @maxcourses int
select @maxcourses=(select max(numcourses)
from (select numcourses=count(*)
from #course
group by sid) q)
declare @pivotlist varchar(max)
,@pivotselectlist varchar(max)
select @pivotlist=
+'Dur'+ix+'=coalesce(cast(Dur'+ix+' as int),0)'+','
from (select ix=convert(varchar(3),Number)
from master..spt_values
where Type='P' and Number between 1 and @maxcourses) q
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql='
;with Rnums as
select sid
from #course
,PivotInput as
select sid
,AttribName=case ColNo
when 1 then ''Sub''+ix
when 2 then ''Dur''+ix
when 3 then ''Lang''+ix
,AttribVal=case ColNo
when 1 then coursename
when 2 then cast(duration as varchar(10))
when 3 then courselanguage
from Rnums
cross join (select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3) Cols(ColNo)
,PivotCourses as
select sid,'+@pivotlist+'
from PivotInput
pivot (max(AttribVal) for AttribName
in ('+@pivotlist+')
) PivotOutput
select s.sid
from #student s
join PivotCourses c on s.sid=c.sid'
--print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql