




Login page in flash, user will send username and password to a php file(login.php). IF login success, it will return echo "success" and create session there. Then in flash, when i click shopping button, it will go to www.domain.com/shopping/index.php, that index.php will do a session check whether the visitor has login. But it seems like, i need to login again before can enter to the page. Where are my sessions variables that created in login.php?

How to share session variables between flash and php??


It sounds like its possibly not a flash problem? Can you test to see if the session data is being persisted between to two normal pages?

As far as sharing variables between PHP and ActionScript, The best thing to do would be to setup an AMF remoting server. You can use a Remoting Framework to send requests to the server and get native ActionScript objects as the response. PHP should be able to keep track of the users session and respond to AMF requests with session relevant data.

Hope this helps!

Chris Gutierrez

Hello Blueredgreed,

I'm now currently solving the same problem. I really don't know how to tag or bookmark a question here at stackoverflow.com, but I assure you I myself have to solve this problem. I'll get back to you when I'm done


I see, you can comment by clicking the Star icon beneath the votes: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/23670/can-i-bookmark-a-question-on-stack-overflow