




I started this semester Databases course which I enjoy a lot. We are required to work on a project of our choice at the end of the semester. It seems that everyone in my class is gonna do it on the Web. So far so good! But I am the only one out there who don't care about Web Development, and in fact I am at best an advanced user of the Web.

I though that I can learn basics of Web Development and Databases this semester by learning HTML+PHP on my side.

I am looking for an advice, on where should I start. What is the best tutorial you can think of to learn HTML and PHP for a programmer. Something like the wonderful Dive Into Python would be perfect, but for PHP and HTML of course.

Best Regards,

+1  A: is a good point to start.

+2  A: 

Every time I do a Google search for something in PHP or MySQL, I end up at, so you could start with their PHP tutorial.

+4  A: 

Years ago I read PHP and MySQL Web Development ( I thought it was a terrific way to learn both PHP and MySQL, as it gives you real world examples and not just toy code. If I had to relearn PHP, I would definitely use this book again. Don't worry about the MySQL part of this book if you already know it, the majority of the book focuses on tying in PHP to the database layer.

I also suggest the PHP Cookbook (, but only after you've already learned the language. It gives you 'recipes' on how to solve common problems, and it too has been a terrific source of information.

If you prefer web tutorials over books, I suggest these sites:
Sitepoint (
NetTuts (

Thanks. I'll check the books :)
+1. for your book suggestions. those are the books i read.. in that order. great books to get you started.
+4  A: 

If you know any other C-like language (C, C++, Java, C#, etc) the PHP syntax will come easily. I have generally found w3schools' tutorials a good way to learn a the basics of a language fast. They are short and direct, and have worked well as an intro for me in the past. From there (or some of the other suggestions made by others here) the references at will be one of the best guides.

If you do a web application and actually put it on the web, please do the world a favor and take some time to read up on web security. Nearly all tutorials give short shrift to making sure you've sanitized data and other basic things, and it's tempting to think "well it's only for class". But if your app is on the internet in such a way that anyone can find it, then "bad guys" can find it and mess with you (which could be embarrassing when doing presentations and discovering SPAM in your database in front of a room full of people).

+2  A: 

If you are not that familiar with 'english' or just want to have an continously updated tutorial resource, which provides easy-to-understand tutorials of every kind: PHP@QuakeNET

Also I recommend to simply grab different php scripts and 'analyse' them, try to understand what they do, and how they do. If you are going to follow that way combined with, you will be able to create your first php projects very early.

thx for php@quakenet :)
+3  A: 

If you want to be a programmer and are not interested in web development, don't use PHP. PHP, while popular, is not an environment conducive to learning good programming habits. Also, if you aren't interested in web development, why do it at all? I'm sure you know the old adage, if everyone jumped off a bridge... So what if it's prettier, the class is on database design, not graphic design. It looks like you are somewhat familiar with Python; use that.

Sorry, if this is snarky. I am required by a client to design a site with Joomla. To style the various components necessary, I've had to trudge through PHP code. While the code is well constructed, the PHP is making the whole process tedious.

[Edit] The code of the component is well constructed, and by that I mean in comparison to the rest of Joomla code which bl^H^H su^H^H isn't great.

In conclusion, I may be a little biased, but please please please don't taint your learning with PHP especially, if you don't want to do web development anyway.

:D Have fun.

Elizabeth Buckwalter
I have to agree with this. If you want to learn about web development, do it on your own time, not as part of a school project. You'll be giving yourself a lot of extra work, for what won't result in extra marks. That being said, based on the current job climate, you should learn web development before you get out of school, as a large number of jobs are based around web development. However, don't make the learning experience part of this particular project, as it will just make it much harder to do, without resulting in any added benefit.
+2  A: 