





I'd like to enable users to upload and watch videos on my website. This is very much like what a site like youtube currently does. I'm not trying to create another youtube. The video functionality is complimentary to other, already existing functionality the site has. I don't mind having the users upload via youtube or another video sharing site. The videos don't have to be private, but I do need to control the upload process. Meaning, I'd like the video upload to be one step in a multi-step process. So for example, let's say that if I was building a job search site (I am not), a user might do the following steps.

  1. Register and supply some info about yourself
  2. Create a resume with employment history
  3. Upload a video about yourself for employers to see
  4. Review and activate resume

So, in step #3 the user needs to upload a video.

Do I have any way to integrate with an existing video sharing site, but still retain control over the entire process? Or do I need to create the uploading, converting to FLV, and playing from scratch myself?

I would like to avoid telling the user to independently go on youtube, post a video, and then tell the site what the URL is.


+1  A: 

You could ask your users to record short videos using their webcam. If this is good for you, then you can integrate the Nimbb Player inside your site and get this working quickly. Here's the link to the documentation of the API:


Using Nimbb, it's a very simple process to record videos and play them on your site. Integration is totally transparent, so no need to redirect to an other site or have complex steps. The only thing you would need to store in your DB is the video GUID (10 chars ID) of any recorded video.

Hope this helps.

This is very useful, thank you.