I have a job that performs several validation checks on rows in several tables in a database. If the check fails it logs the failure in a table that. The information that is logged includes the table name, a uniqueidentifier value of the row that failed, which check it failed, and which job was being run at the time. Here's the simplified table definition of the log
CREATE TABLE [tblSY_ValidationFieldFailures](
[pkValidationFieldFailure] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[fkJobID] [int] NOT NULL,
[fkValidationFieldFailureType] [int] NOT NULL,
[TableName] nvarchar(128),
[TableUniqueIdentifier] [nvarchar](100) NULL)
I'd like to write a function that returns the number of rows failed given a certain table and jobID (i.e. fnGetNumberOfFailedRows(@JobID, @TableName)). I tried something similar to the following:
CREATE FUNCTION fnGetNumberOfRowsThatFailedValidationCheck
@pkJobID int,
@TableName nvarchar(128)
-- Declare the return variable here
DECLARE @NumFailedRows int
Select fkJobID,
From tblSY_ValidationFieldFailures
Where fkJobID=@pkJobID And TableName=@TableName
Group By fkJobID, TableName, TableUniqueIdentifier
SET @NumFailedRows = @@ROWCOUNT
RETURN @NumFailedRows
But of course you can't have that Select statement inside a function. Is there a way to do what I want inside a function or do I have to so the stored procedure route?