I need to distribute a flash-based application to end users. I have a very simple index page to launch another window:
function popUp(URL, w, h) {
win=window.open(URL,"window","menubar=no,width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",toolbar=no,resizable=no;titlebar=no");
<BODY onLoad="javascript:popUp('flash.html', 1024, 768)">
And the flash-only page is like
<object width="1024" height="768">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="somefilename.swf" width="1024" height="768">
This flash application has fixed dimension: 1024x768 and it is embedded in a non-resizable browser window.
I create a desktop icon for the starting page and end-users can double-click this icon to start the application. After the ActiveX warnings, the flash application can start nicely and everythin work fine.
The problems I need to resolve are: (1) The starting page does not closed by itself automatically (it will ask whether you want to close it or not). (2) ActiveX warning. As I think it is normal, but end-users do not think so.
Is any Windows executable file can start a fix-size IE browser with content in local harddrive ?