



I have a a date in strptime that I want to show as 'X hours ago'. I can happily convert hours into days and weeks etc. but I don't know how to do the initial sum. Here is how I'm converting the string into strptime:

time.strptime(obj.created_at, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y')

p.s. bonus points for figuring out why it won't take %z for '+0000' - am I completely wrong about what this is?

+1  A: 

It seems the timesince in Django could help you out without you having to convert. The source for timesince is available here.

Jonas Elfström
Defined here:
Dominic Rodger
Unfortunately I'm using zope rather the django, I've looked for something like this in zope, but can't seem to find it.

Can you use datetime instead? (Or convert whatever you have into datetime?)

>>> import datetime
>>> created_at = datetime.datetime(2009,10,15, 13)
>>> now =
>>> delta = now - created_at
>>> hours_ago = '%d Hours Ago' % (delta.seconds/60/60)
>>> hours_ago
'5 Hours Ago'
I think I'm going to need to read up about datetime, for a rookie it's a bit of a mind bender, and not something that I can just borrow from an example
datetime makes dates/times much more manageable, I rarely find myself using time.
The code is just subtracting the created_at time from the time now, so that we have delta.seconds ago, then changing delta.seconds to hours by dividing by secs/min and min/hour.

The datetime module is definitely easier to use, but, if you insist, you can do it with the time module instead. I.e.:

>>> import time
>>> fmt = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'
>>> time.strftime(fmt)
'Thu Oct 15 07:54:07 +0000 2009'
>>> createdat = 'Thu Oct 15 02:30:30 +0000 2009'
>>> createdtim = time.strptime(createdat, fmt)
>>> hoursago = (time.time() - time.mktime(createdtim)) / 3600
>>> print hoursago

One reason the time module is so pesky to use is that it uses two different ways to represent time -- one is a 9-tuple (and that's what you get from strptime), and one is a float "seconds since the epoch" (and that's what you need to do differences); the mktime function translates the former to the latter. Difference in hours is clearly 1/3600 of the difference in seconds -- you'll have to decide how to display a typically-fractionary "number of hours ago", of course (hour and fraction with some digits, or, round to closest integer number of hours, or what else).

The literal '+0000' in your format, for strptime, means you expect and ignore those literal characters at that spot in your "createdat" string (normally you'd have a timezone offset specifier there). If that's indeed what you want, then you have the right format string!

Alex Martelli