




My requirement is to display a Column in select query when a condition satisfies and not to display the column when condition is not matched.

For eg : In this simple table below

Table : XYZ

Name ID Fairness

harish 3 White

ravi 5 brown

arun 2 black

rahul 5 white


select name,case id when 5 then " I Like to learn more languages" end as Remarks, Fairness from xyz where id=2

My requirement is in the above query "Remarks" column should not be displayed in output, but my output is

Actual Output:

Name Remarks Fairness

arun null black

Expected Output:

Name Fairness

arun black

i.e, I need remarks column to be displayed only if the id is 5 in where clause.

Please provide me help to ignore "Remarks" when the condition is not satisfied or met.



Perhaps you want the SQL COALESCE function?

select coalesce(myMaybeNullColumn, '') from foo

will give blanks instead of nulls.

Jonathan Feinberg

Just add an else condition to your query to return blank for those cases you don't want to show.

select name,case id when 5 then " I Like to learn more languages" else "" end as Remarks, Fairness from xyz where id=2
he said "i.e, I need remarks column to be displayed only if the id is 5 in where clause" if he add "else "" " he would see the column which is empty
True, I misunderstood. but then without a stored procedure to achieve that in a select it is just impossible.Maybe I would add the remarks to an existing column rather to create a new one (if that fulfill the requirements of course).
yeah full acc, on the other side i don't see his problem, because if call this select out of a prgrammcode, he could check the content of the second column there. and in pl/sql it is not really a problem