The user on my site can currently search a mysql db via PHP, and the results are displayed on the same page inside a DIV, thanks to ajax...
What I need now is to display an image that is associated with the mysql results... Say the result has ID=250, then I want a piece of code to search in a folder for an image with the name 250.jpg on the server...
And then display this image in a table column using php script...
Here is my php script that displays the results as well as where I want the picture to appear...
Please help me...
$qry_result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// Build Result String
$display_table = "<table align='center'>";
// Insert a new row in the table for each result
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry_result)){
$display_table .= "<tr>";
$display_table .= "<td class='ad_container' colspan='4'></td>";
$display_table .= "</tr>";
$display_table .= "<tr>";
$display_table .= "<td width='110' rowspan='2'>----- IMAGE HERE -----</td>";
$display_table .= "<td width='377' height='15'>$row[headline]</td>";
$display_table .= "<td width='67' rowspan='2'>$row[insert_date]</td>";
$display_table .= "</tr>";
$display_table .= "<tr>";
$display_table .= "<td height='15'>$row[price]:-</td>";
$display_table .= "</tr>";
$display_table .= "</table>";
echo $display_table;