


+6  Q: 

GA written in Java

I am attempting to write a Genetic Algorithm based on techniques I had picked up from the book "AI Techniques for Game Programmers" that uses a binary encoding and fitness proportionate selection (also known as roulette wheel selection) on the genes of the population that are randomly generated within the program in a two-dimensional array.

I recently came across a piece of pseudocode and have tried to implement it, but have come across some problems with the specifics of what I need to be doing. I've checked a number of books and some open-source code and am still struggling to progress. I understand that I have to get the sum of the total fitness of the population, pick a random number between the sum and zero, then if the number is greater than the parents to overwrite it, but I am struggling with the implementation of these ideas.

Any help in the implementation of these ideas would be very much appreciated as my Java is rusty.

+1  A: 
Derrick Turk
Part three is where I have the problem. I have my population and its genes, I have given them each a number that is either zero or one and I have a sum of the total fitness of the entire population. Do I now loop through the same thing again and if I do so what member do I select? To answer your latest question I am familiar with C, although at the moment I am just struggling with the fitness method; I have a pretty good idea of how I will handle the crossover and mutation.
Sorry, just took another look at your code. You've got each chromosome as an array of int, each of which is to be either 0 or 1. When I skimmed the first time, I assumed you were packing alleles as bits into a single integer, which would be more space-efficient.The fitness function represents your best guess as to how "good" an individual solution (=chromosome) is. My roulette wheel selection psuedocode assumes that fitness is to be maximized rather than minimized, but it's easily altered for the opposite.(To be continued...)
Derrick Turk
You would (after computing the total fitness---your current "fitness function" is that a chromosome's fitness is the sum of it's int array) loop back through your population. Here is a simple GA I have previously written as a demonstration in C: <a href=""></a>. It may help to see some code as the algorithm can be difficult to explain in writing. A similar Python version I wrote is at: <a href=""></a>. This is a little cleaner IMHO.
Derrick Turk
Ack, that mangled my URLs. The C version is at and the Python version is at
Derrick Turk
+2  A: 

I have implemented this algorithm by creating a "cumulative fitness array" and binary search, thus reducing the need to iterate through each element in the array during the selection:

  1. For population size N create cumulative fitness array: arr[N].
  2. Set arr[0] := computeFitness(individual[0]).
  3. Then, for each subsequent element: X, arr[X] = arr[X-1] + computeFitness(individual[X]).
  4. Generate a random number between 0 and arr[N] (i.e. the total fitness).
  5. Use a binary search (e.g. Collections.binarySearch) to locate the appropriate index in the cumulative fitness array, and use this index to select the individual.

Note that you only need to create the fitness array at the start of the reproduction phase, and can then re-use it multiple times to perform selections in O(log N) time.

As an aside, note that tournament selection is far easier to implement!


These other questions about roulette wheel selection should help:

In the first one, I've tried to explain how the roulette wheel works. In the second, Jarod Elliott has provided some pseudocode. Combined with Adamski's description of an efficient implementation, these should be sufficient to get something working.

Dan Dyer
+3  A: 

The following is a complete outline of the GA. I made sure to be very detailed so it can be easily coded to C/Java/Python/..

/* 1. Init population */
POP_SIZE = number of individuals in the population
pop = newPop = []
for i=1 to POP_SIZE {
    pop.add( getRandomIndividual() )

/* 2. evaluate current population */
totalFitness = 0
for i=1 to POP_SIZE {
    fitness = pop[i].evaluate()
    totalFitness += fitness

while not end_condition (best fitness, #iterations, no improvement...)
    // build new population
    // optional: Elitism: copy best K from current pop to newPop
    while newPop.size()<POP_SIZE
        /* 3. roulette wheel selection */
        // select 1st individual
        rnd = getRandomDouble([0,1]) * totalFitness
        for(idx=0; idx<POP_SIZE && rnd>0; idx++) {
            rnd -= pop[idx].fitness
        indiv1 = pop[idx-1]
        // select 2nd individual
        rnd = getRandomDouble([0,1]) * totalFitness
        for(idx=0; idx<POP_SIZE && rnd>0; idx++) {
            rnd -= pop[idx].fitness
        indiv2 = pop[idx-1]

        /* 4. crossover */
        indiv1, indiv2 = crossover(indiv1, indiv2)

        /* 5. mutation */

        // add to new population
    pop = newPop
    newPop = []

    /* re-evaluate current population */
    totalFitness = 0
    for i=1 to POP_SIZE {
        fitness = pop[i].evaluate()
        totalFitness += fitness

// return best genome
bestIndividual = pop.bestIndiv()     // max/min fitness indiv

Note that currently you're missing a fitness function (depends on the domain). The crossover would be a simple one point crossover (since you are using a binary representation). Mutation could be a simple flip of a bit at random.

EDIT: I have implemented the above pseudocode in Java taking into consideration your current code structure and notations (keep in mind i am more of a c/c++ guy than java). Note this is in no way the most efficient or complete implementation, I admit I wrote it rather quickly:

import java.util.Random;

public class Individual
    public static final int SIZE = 500;
    private int[] genes = new int[SIZE];
    private int fitnessValue;

    public Individual() {}

    public int getFitnessValue() {
        return fitnessValue;

    public void setFitnessValue(int fitnessValue) {
        this.fitnessValue = fitnessValue;

    public int getGene(int index) {
        return genes[index];

    public void setGene(int index, int gene) {
        this.genes[index] = gene;

    public void randGenes() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        for(int i=0; i<SIZE; ++i) {
            this.setGene(i, rand.nextInt(2));

    public void mutate() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int index = rand.nextInt(SIZE);
        this.setGene(index, 1-this.getGene(index));    // flip

    public int evaluate() {
        int fitness = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<SIZE; ++i) {
            fitness += this.getGene(i);

        return fitness;

import java.util.Random;

public class Population
    final static int ELITISM_K = 5;
    final static int POP_SIZE = 200 + ELITISM_K;  // population size
    final static int MAX_ITER = 2000;             // max number of iterations
    final static double MUTATION_RATE = 0.05;     // probability of mutation
    final static double CROSSOVER_RATE = 0.7;     // probability of crossover

    private static Random m_rand = new Random();  // random-number generator
    private Individual[] m_population;
    private double totalFitness;

    public Population() {
        m_population = new Individual[POP_SIZE];

        // init population
        for (int i = 0; i < POP_SIZE; i++) {
            m_population[i] = new Individual();

        // evaluate current population

    public void setPopulation(Individual[] newPop) {
        // this.m_population = newPop;
        System.arraycopy(newPop, 0, this.m_population, 0, POP_SIZE);

    public Individual[] getPopulation() {
        return this.m_population;

    public double evaluate() {
        this.totalFitness = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < POP_SIZE; i++) {
            this.totalFitness += m_population[i].evaluate();
        return this.totalFitness;

    public Individual rouletteWheelSelection() {
        double randNum = m_rand.nextDouble() * this.totalFitness;
        int idx;
        for (idx=0; idx<POP_SIZE && randNum>0; ++idx) {
            randNum -= m_population[idx].getFitnessValue();
        return m_population[idx-1];

    public Individual findBestIndividual() {
        int idxMax = 0, idxMin = 0;
        double currentMax = 0.0;
        double currentMin = 1.0;
        double currentVal;

        for (int idx=0; idx<POP_SIZE; ++idx) {
            currentVal = m_population[idx].getFitnessValue();
            if (currentMax < currentMin) {
                currentMax = currentMin = currentVal;
                idxMax = idxMin = idx;
            if (currentVal > currentMax) {
                currentMax = currentVal;
                idxMax = idx;
            if (currentVal < currentMin) {
                currentMin = currentVal;
                idxMin = idx;

        //return m_population[idxMin];      // minimization
        return m_population[idxMax];        // maximization

    public static Individual[] crossover(Individual indiv1,Individual indiv2) {
        Individual[] newIndiv = new Individual[2];
        newIndiv[0] = new Individual();
        newIndiv[1] = new Individual();

        int randPoint = m_rand.nextInt(Individual.SIZE);
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<randPoint; ++i) {
            newIndiv[0].setGene(i, indiv1.getGene(i));
            newIndiv[1].setGene(i, indiv2.getGene(i));
        for (; i<Individual.SIZE; ++i) {
            newIndiv[0].setGene(i, indiv2.getGene(i));
            newIndiv[1].setGene(i, indiv1.getGene(i));

        return newIndiv;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Population pop = new Population();
        Individual[] newPop = new Individual[POP_SIZE];
        Individual[] indiv = new Individual[2];

        // current population
        System.out.print("Total Fitness = " + pop.totalFitness);
        System.out.println(" ; Best Fitness = " + 

        // main loop
        int count;
        for (int iter = 0; iter < MAX_ITER; iter++) {
            count = 0;

            // Elitism
            for (int i=0; i<ELITISM_K; ++i) {
                newPop[count] = pop.findBestIndividual();

            // build new Population
            while (count < POP_SIZE) {
                // Selection
                indiv[0] = pop.rouletteWheelSelection();
                indiv[1] = pop.rouletteWheelSelection();

                // Crossover
                if ( m_rand.nextDouble() < CROSSOVER_RATE ) {
                    indiv = crossover(indiv[0], indiv[1]);

                // Mutation
                if ( m_rand.nextDouble() < MUTATION_RATE ) {
                if ( m_rand.nextDouble() < MUTATION_RATE ) {

                // add to new population
                newPop[count] = indiv[0];
                newPop[count+1] = indiv[1];
                count += 2;

            // reevaluate current population
            System.out.print("Total Fitness = " + pop.totalFitness);
            System.out.println(" ; Best Fitness = " +

        // best indiv
        Individual bestIndiv = pop.findBestIndividual();

Just a point worth mentioning. The Roulette wheel selection (as indicated in the pseudo-code) will not work for minimization problems - it is, however, valid for maximization problems.

Due to the manner in which the most fit individual is selected, the minimization case will not hold. Details are provided in: Computational Intelligence: 2nd edition

+1  A: 

Why not use an open-source Framework like JGAP:
