



I'm writing a firefox extension that adds event listeners to all the anchor tags on a page. Essentially I have:

window.addEventListener("load", function() { myExtension.init(); }, false);

var myExtension = {

    init: function() {
    var appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent");  
        appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myExtension.onPageLoad, true);  

    onPageLoad: function(event) {
        var doc = event.originalTarget;
        var anchors = doc.getElementsByTagName("a");
        //attach event listeners

This works for most of the tags on the page. The problem is that tags added with javascript don't get the event listener attached. I've tried redefining createElement:

//in the onPageLoadFunction
var originalCreateElement = doc.createElement;
doc.createElement = function(tag) {
    if (tag != "a"){
        return originalCreateElement(tag);
    var anchor = originalCreateElement("a");
    anchor.addEventListener("mouseover", myInterestingFunction, false);
    return anchor;

and I've tried adding a DOM insertion listener

//in the onPageLoadFunction
function nodeInserted(event){;

function addToChildren(node){
    if (node.hasChildNodes()){
        var nodes = node.childNodes;
        for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
    if (node.nodeName == "a"){
        anchorEvent(node); //adds event listeners to node

doc.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", nodeInserted, false);

but neither work. How can I get references to these anchor objects so I can add listeners to them?


+1  A: 

Adding "event listeners to all the anchor tags on a page" dynamically is hard to do efficiently. You have two choices:

  1. Periodically poll the page for anchor tags (like does)
  2. Use DOM mutation events (DOMNodeInserted, etc.)

The former has an obvious performance impact. Using mutation events has a hidden performance cost: if any mutation events are added for a document, Gecko takes a slower path in its DOM code, so all DOM manipulation works slower.

Why not use addEventListener to set up a listener on some top-level element (or even the whole window) and check if the target is an anchor? You could use a capturing listener to make your listener be called before the default action occurs.

I've tried the DOM mutation event as I noted above, and it didn't seem to work. Periodically polling the page gets to be a problem for an extension because users may have many tabs open at once, and all would be polling at some interval. It slows down alot.
So I don't know why mutation listener doesn't work for you; I'd need to construct a testcase to play with it to find out. Are you sure the listener doesn't fire? Maybe try registering it on some element deeper in the DOM tree? /// In any case I think the last solution I suggested is better, did you try it?
I tried polling the page 1.5 secs after it loads, and that does work to get most of the links. I also tried it polling the page every three seconds, but that slowed things down too much. So the polling does work, thanks. I was just hoping for a more elegant solution.
Can you read what I write? :) Try the last suggestion in the main reply and if that doesn't suit your needs, do try to debug the mutation listeners problem, it should work.