



I may just be missing something obvious here, so I apologize if this is a really dumb question. I have a WrapPanel in a view that I need to bind to an ObservableCollection on the ViewModel. This ObservableCollection contains a different type of ViewModel that needs to be bound to another type of view when displayed in the WrapPanel. The goal is to create a wrappable list of items, each of which displays via an instance of a smaller view which should be added to the WrapPanel.

I am using MVVM, and the ViewModel does not have direct access to the View. I would rather not create a binding between the ViewModel and the View if at all possible, so manually adding items to the WrapPanel.Children collection is not a viable option. I am at a loss as to how I can bind a collection of child ViewModel objects to the WrapPanel in such a way that it will create instances of another view and add them to itself. Am I simply approaching the problem incorrectly? I figure there is probably a DataTemplate involved, but it doesn't appear that a WrapPanel has a DataTemplate, nor is it bindable.

Thanks for any insight.

+3  A: 

Use an ItemsControl, and set its ItemsPanel to a WrapPanel:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Something}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource YourDataTemplate}">
      <WrapPanel />
+3  A: 

What you need is a ListView that uses a WrapPanel to host all of the items.

<ListView ItemsSource={...}>
       <WrapPanel IsItemsHost="True" />
        <!-- Fill in how you want each item to look here -->
Andrew Shepherd
Thanks for the insight Andrew. I've done this, and have encountered another problem. I'm hoping you can help with this one too, otherwise I'll start another question. I threw <v:ServiceMonitorView />, my UserControl, in the DataTemplate. I'm getting the following error: Could not create an instance of type 'ServiceMonitorView'. The user control has zero code outside of the default, generated there should not be any constructor code throwing an exception.
@jrista: I would say that that's a separate problem which belongs in an independent question. (I don't know the answer, but I'm interested in what it would be)
Andrew Shepherd