
WPF ListBox WrapPanel clips long groups

I've created a ListBox to display items in groups, where the groups are wrapped right to left when they can no longer fit within the height of the ListBox's panel. So, the groups would appear similar to this in the listbox, where each group's height is arbitrary (group 1, for instance, is twice as tall as group 2): [ 1 ][ 3 ][ 5 ] [ ]...

ListBox+WrapPanel arrow key navigation

I'm trying to achieve the equivalent of a WinForms ListView with its View property set to View.List. Visually, the following works fine. The file names in my Listbox go from top to bottom, and then wrap to a new column. Here's the basic XAML I'm working with: <ListBox Name="thelist" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" ItemsSou...

Silverlight WrapPanel Children

What's the best way to add children to a WrapPanel in silverlight? I'm using C# and I'm reading in a JSON Object containing images with thumbnails and related information. The end goal is to have a grid of thumbnails (13 thumbs horizontally across 950px by 6 thumbs vertically). ...

WPF: When is a WrapPanel full.

I'm using a WrapPanel to display variable height items in columns. The wrappanel has a constrained size. Is there an way to determine when the WrapPanel is 'full'? I will then page to another panel with an animation. I've looked at the ArrangeOverride of the items that are the panels children, but they always seem to be getting all...

Is there a virtualizing WrapPanel for WPF available? Commercial or free ones.

Hi - Is there a virtualizing WrapPanel available? Commercial or free ones. I have seen some blogs (dan's included) but it does not seem to work well in my application, especially when i have child items of varying sizes. Also even with same size those free ones do not work well. Are there any commercial ones available in the market? I...

WPF - How can I center all items in a WrapPanel?

I'm using a WrapPanel as the ItemsPanel of an ItemsControl. Right now, the items in the control wrap like this: |1234567 | |890 | I'd like them to wrap like this: | 1234567 | | 890 | Conceptually, the layout process should align each line of items such that it's centered within the WrapPanel's bounds. Can someone explai...

WPF ItemsControl data binding - adding extra initial controls

I have the following XAML for a databound items control to show a list of groups, with a label and button to add a new group appearing first: <WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Label Content="Groups" /> <Button x:Name="btnGroupAdd" Click="btnGroupAdd_Click" Content="+" /> <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="_groupList" >...

WPF: ListBox with WrapPanel, vertical scrolling problem

I have a UserControl (XAML below) that has a ListBox that I want to display images inside a WrapPanel, where images are displayed as many as will fit on one row and then wrap onto the next row etc. It works, except when the ListBox grows higher than the available space in the window, I'm not getting a vertical scrollbar, i.e. the content...

WrapPanel in Silverlight, binding CLR Objects.

Can anybody please help me? I need to bind CLR Objects to a WrapPanel in SILVERLIGHT. What should be displayed in the end is a couple of Image Thumbnails with their description (Text). I know how to do it with a ListBox, but I need it to be a WrapPanel, so my Thumbs will be displayed horizontally and break into a new raw... and so on. ...

Bind the height of a grid row to it's contents in WPF

I have a grid with a few rows. In the top row, I have an ItemsControl that is bound dynamically to a collection and uses a DataTemplateSelector and ItemsPanelTemplate (with a single horizontally arranged WrapPanel). Here's a stripped-down version of what I have so far: <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="40...

Why does WrapPanel wrap TextBlocks horizontally but UserControls vertically?

This correctly wraps the TextBlocks horizontally: <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="10" HorizontalAlignment="Left"> <TextBlock Text="Simple WrapPanel:" Margin="0 0 0 5"/> <WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="one"/> <TextBlock Text="two"/> <TextBlock Text="thee"/> <TextBlock...

ScrollViewer around a WrapPanel: scroll buttons at top of window and no scroll bar

I've got a wrapPanel surounded by a ScrollViewer. The WrapPanel can hold 1-n images. When the number of images in the wrap panel is more than the ScrollViewer can show, the ScrollViewer shows its up/down scroll buttons. But the buttons are both at the top of the scroll bar, and I get no scroll bar. This is shows in the picture, highl...

Wrapping images in ListBox using WrapPanel and ScrollViewer, Selected Items disappear!!

I'm using a ListBox to display a horizontal display of 800 thumbnails, but only 6 at a time (depending on screen resolution), I want to move through the images using buttons either side of the list. I currently have this working, but when I change the SelectedItem of the listbox to next/previous thumbnail the ScrollViewer doesn't autom...

Silverlight: Cannot manage to get ScrollViewer and WrapPanel to work together

Hi, I'm using a WrapPanel to format some text. During runtime I add TextBlocks and StackPanels as Children. Obviously I need a scrollbar depending on the data size. Searching the web I found multiple answers which all propose to put a ScrollViewer around the WrapPanel. That makes sense to me, but I cannot get it to work. Here's my code:...

Putting a scoll bar on a wrap panel contained within an items control

Hi, Does anybody know how I can add a scroll bar to a wrappanel contained within an itemscontrol? ...

Synchronizing WPF control widths in a WrapPanel

I have this case <WrapPanel> <CheckBox>Really long name</CheckBox> <CheckBox>Short</CheckBox> <CheckBox>Longer again</CheckBox> <CheckBox>Foo</CheckBox> <Slider MinWidth="200" /> </WrapPanel> I want all the CheckBoxes inside the WrapPanel to be the same width. Adding the following almost accomplishes the desired e...

WPF: How to embed button inside text flow (wrap text around button)?

Hi everyone, I'd like an advice to the following problem: I want to embed a button into a text flow, but when I embed a Button and Label (or TextBlock) into the WrapPanel, I get the first figure: I think that one of solutions could be FlowDocument, but I feel that this is far too heavy for a control simple like this (which could be us...

Aligning columns without WPF Grid

I am looking for a good way to design a multi-column layout which reflows the controls in the columns according to the space available. I have a list of labels and fields which display information, and sometimes the view they are contained in needs to be tall and skinny, other times short and wide. A simple solution is to use a WrapPane...

Binding ObservableCollection items to UserControl in WrapPanel?

I may just be missing something obvious here, so I apologize if this is a really dumb question. I have a WrapPanel in a view that I need to bind to an ObservableCollection on the ViewModel. This ObservableCollection contains a different type of ViewModel that needs to be bound to another type of view when displayed in the WrapPanel. The ...

Silverlight Navigation project template and the WrapPanel

I'm new to Silverlight and I'm trying to get the WrapPanel sample working with the Navigation project template. My issue is that the WrapPanel doesn't wrap. Here's what I've tried: Create a new Navigation based project. Copy the code from the Toolkit Samples for the "Select a Color" demo. When I create a "regular" Silverlight applicat...