
How do I resize my panels when resizing the main form in a winforms application?

If the user of my winforms application resizes the main form, I want the 2 panels to stretch out also, along with the child controls. How can I achieve this? ...

How to Write a "Fake" ListBox

I use ListBox to show Images. However I found if the Listbox contain more than 1000 Image Items, It is really slow if I want to zoom the thumbnails. I asked the qestion in And tried lots of method, however I can't solve ...

How to perform seam carving on an image using PHP's GD library?

I am working on a project that resizes images using PHP's GD library. I would like to be able to add the option to use seam carving to resize images but don't want to require something like ImageMagick (which can do seam carving with its liquid rescale feature) to accomplish this. Since there are no built-in seam carving functions in GD...

How to resize all images in a block of HTML to a specific width and cache the results

I'm writing a mobile content adaptation plugin for a bespoke CMS in PHP. The CMS contains links to images with absolute URLs which are all 400 pixels wide and vary in height. I'd like to parse the HTML (which is stored in MySQL) and re-scale each image to a new width - this will vary according to the device. I'd also like to cache the i...

Resize a JPanel in line with a JDialog

Hi, I've got a JDialog which contains a series of JPanels in a CardLayout. Some of these panels contain JTables which I would like to be resized in line with any resizing of the JDialog. I am not sure how to achieve this and any help would be greatly appreciated. At present the tables simply remain their current size and do not scale...

ASP.NET Image uploading with Resizing

I have an aspx page which will upload images to server harddisk from client pc But now i need to change my program in such a way that it would allow me to resize the image while uploading. Does anyone has any idea on this ? I couldnt not find such properties/methods with Input file server control Any one there to guide me ? ...

MFC: Capturing Resizes

Just wondering where is best to put functionality in an MFC application that is triggered when the whole window is resized. I was thinking mainfrm but I couldn't seem to capture any OnSize messages... Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? ...

How do I resize pngs with transparency in PHP?

I'm attempting to resize pngs with transparent backgrounds in PHP and the code samples I've found online don't work for me. Here's the code I'm using, advice will be much appreciated! $this->image = imagecreatefrompng($filename); imagesavealpha($this->image, true); $newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); // Make a new trans...

JEditorPane inside JScrollPane not resizing as needed

Hai, I am implementing a Comment box facility in my application which user can resize using mouse. This comment box contains a scrollpane which instead contains a JEditorPane in which user can insert comment. I have added the editor pane inside a scroll pane for the following reason: auto scolling of jeditorpane When the user resizes ...

library for server side image resampling using java?

I want to create a serve resampled (downsized) version of images using jsp. The original images are stored in the database as blobs. I want to to create a jsp that serves a downsampled image with decent quality (not pixelated) as per the passed image width/height (e.g. getimage.jsp?imageid=xxxx&maxside=200) . Can you point me to a openso...

Form Resizing and Maximizing

I am preventing the user from resizing the form. How do I also remove the maximize button? ...

How do you get WPF to work like Forms at design time?

A bit new with WPF...It seems like not matter what I change with horizontal and vertical alignment, WPF has a mind of its own when resizing my controls in design time. I created a new Window, placed a couple of buttons and text boxes and whenever i change the size of the window all the controls get resized. Is there a way to lock it do...

Does resizing jpeg images affect their compression?

Hello. I'm resizing jpegs by using the Graphics.DrawImage method (see code fragment below). Can anyone confirm that this will not affect the compression of the new image? I have seen this thread, but I am talking specifically about compression of jpegs. private byte[] getResizedImage(String url, int newWidth) { Bitmap bm...

C# Resizing Form

I'm having problems programmatically resizing a Form in C# while it's being dragged. In a nutshell, I change the dimensions of the Form while its moving, the problem is that there is HUGE flicker, and when the mouse "lets go" of the titlebar, the Form goes back to its original size! So it's basically ignoring the resizing part. I tried...

Showing size grip in CDialog?

I have seen code which handles the drawing of this thing (DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIP), but surely there is a window style which I can apply to get it "for free". Right? ...

javascript resize event firing multiple times while dragging the resize handle

I was hoping this jQuery plug-in would work, but it didn't I added a comment to his site, but they're moderated, so you might not see it yet. But anyhow, let me explain my desire. I want a "resize" type of event to be fired when the user either pauses his resize, and/or comple...

JQuery tablesorter + resizing column widths

I'm looking for a JQuery plugin for resizing table columns that works with tablesorter. Any recommendations? ...

Cannot get jQuery resizable to work: What am I doing wrong?

Here is my simple code to try and test if jQuery resizable is working. I use other jQuery components just fine using the google.load, and I've tried swapping out the google.load for a local version with no difference. I've tested in 3 browsers, I've copied code from several demo/tutorial sites (where it works find on their site). <!DO...

Looking for Recommendation on Windows Forms .Net Resizing Component

By default windows forms resize logic is limited--anchoring and docking. In the past I've rolled my own custom resize logic when required. However, I'm getting started on a project that has a large number of very complex forms that must auto-resize to different resolutions. I don't care to invest a ton of time in resize logic. I see th...

WPF: Setting the Width (and Height) as a Percentage Value

Say I want a TextBlock to have its Width equal to it's Parent container's Width (ie, stretch from side to side) or a percentage of it's Parent Container Width, how can I accomplish this in XAML without specifying absolute values? I want to do this so that if the Parent Container container is later on expanded (its' Width increased), it...