
How do I prevent ImageMagick convert from scaling images *up*?

I'm using ImageMagick's convert tool to generate image thumbnails for a web application. I'm using notation like so: 600x600> The images are indeed scaled to 600px wide/tall (depending on the longer side) and proportions are properly maintained, however images less than 600px in either direction are scaled up — this behavior is not desi...

DirectShow EVR resizing window problem

So I've been looking into the world of media playback for windows and I've started making a C# Media Player using DirectShow. I started off using the VRM-7 windowed video renderer and it was brilliant except it had a couple of small problems (multi monitors, fullscreen). But after some research I found that it's deprecated and I should b...

Hiding rows in a WPF datagrid - resizing issue

I have an issue with hiding rows in a DataGrid. I do this by creating a new DataGridRow template which has a DataTrigger bound to a property on the objects in ItemsSource. The trigger sets the Visibility of the border of the row to Collapsed if the IsVisible property on the model object is false and vice-versa. If I set one row's IsVi...

How to resize a Flot graph when its containing div changes size

I'm using the Flot graphing library jQuery plugin and I haven't found a good way to handle resizing the graph when it's containing <div> changes size (for example, due to window resizing). When handling the onresize event, I've made sure that the width and height of the containing <div>are updated to the correct size and then tried call...

Expanding/contracting columns with browser (ASP.Net)

Hi, I'm trying to accomplish something like this ( , where you have images displayed in several columns, but as you resize your browser, columns will (dis)appear so to fit what you can see on the screen. Any ideas on how can I do this (links, etc)? Thanks! PS: Bear in mind that I'm quite a ASP.Net noob ...

How to prevent view resizing/transform when UINavigationBar hides/shows

I have an application with a tab bar and a navigation bar. I push a view controller that is used to show photos, one at a time. It initially shows the bars and forward/back controls; after a delay, these hide, using setNavigationBarHidden:animated: and a custom transform (CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation) on the tab bar. This works, b...

How to set a RichTextBox in Silverlight 4 to fit it's parent height and maintain it on resize?

I am having hard times figuring this out. Here is what I need: <StackPanel x:Name="container" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"> <RichTextBox Height="???" /> </StackPanel> Basically what I know I can do is to bind RichTextBox Height to it's parent's height ( Height="{Binding ElementName=container, Path=ActualHeight}". Unfortunately th...

Can i re-size an image coming from an external server like flickr?

what im trying to archive is to load some images from external servers flickr, but i want to re-size the image before rendering, i want to know if there is any way to load that external image check the size and if its too big then with some c# code do the resizing and then send it to the client? Thx in advance. ...

scaling background and min size

Hi I have big background images 1200 by 1200, what i would like to do is expand the images when the user resizes the browser but constrain it so they never scale any smaller than the original size. There all lots of scalable bg images out there but none I can find that do this, any help would be appreciated. ...

AS3: resizing as a result of an eventListener

Hi everyone, I have coded a map that when a province object is clicked on, it should move to the center of the screen and grow a percentage of the width, along with displaying a number of different things. The problem is that in order for the image to resize it needs to be clicked on twice. It moves, and all of the children display jus...

CSS resizing menu and content background images

Hello, I need to have resizable menu and content background images for my site, so both of them get stretched whenever the menu entries are too many, or the contents go outside the borders of the content background. I need vertical stretching. Could you, please, give me a hint (an actual answer would work as well) or a link to a good e...

Silverlight 4.0 - speed of image resize and compression

Hi, I looked through the earlier posts on the topic but did not find a clear idea for solution. My dilemma is as following: I have built a Silverlight 4.0 application for processing images on the client side (resizing and compression) before moving them to the database via web service. It works fairly well, I use FluxJpeg library for ...

What algorithms to use for image downsizing?

What algorithms to use for image downsizing? What is faster? What algorithm is performed for image resizing ( specially downsizing from big 600x600 to super small 6x6 for example) by such giants as flash and silver player, and html5? ...

Image Magick watermark problem (upgrade 6.5.1 -> 6.5.7)

We recently upgraded our version of image magick from 6.5.1 to 6.5.7 (via karmic->lucid ubuntu upgrade). One of the commands we rely on is resizing an image and then placing it on top of another image: composite -gravity 'Center' -resize '304x202!' watermark.png -size '320x213' base.jpg result.jpg In this example we are expecting a r...

how to resize an image with unknown size to a specific size without too much of deformation?

hi , I want to get an image from a user and re-size it to a specific size but the problem is : I don't know about the user's image size and I have to re-size it to a certain size but deformation is burden over here. how can I solve this problem? is there any algorithm according to that? or is there any source code preferably in .net? be...

Win32: My Application freezes while the user resizes the window

Hi ! I write a win32 application. I implemented the message loop myself like this: bool programcontinue = true; while(programcontinue) { while (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); ...

Why is flash resizing my images?

O.K I'm really confused about some resizing behaviour in flex and I'm hoping somebody can explain whats going on to me. I have a container movieclip 3 movieclips deep. MC2 is inside MC1 and MC3 is inside MC2. I have another movieclip that contains a bimap image that is 55 pixels wide and 38 pixels high. When I add this movieclip to M...

create thumbnail with codeignitor fixed size ;

how do i create thumbnail form original size ( any size) to 50 x 50 ( fixed size) link text when add images to lightbox all images in any size will resize to 50 x 50 dimention how to implement that with codeigniter image class ; imagine i have image with 600x320 dimensions when i re size it with maintain_ratio "on" it's gave me 50x27 ...

image magick problem with java

to be specific in this i'm trying to run the next line on java: convert /home/mohamed.hegab/Desktop/1263392123111.jpg -gamma .45455 -resize 400x400 -gamma 2.2 -quality 92 /home/mohamed.hegab/Desktop/small.jpg which is run great on the bash command line but when i run it on the java using process builder it gives me strange result. ...

Flex canvas resizing

Hello, I have a certain behavior that i want from my screen to implement in Flex. My screen is devided to 2 areas: Navigator pane and content pane.(from left to right) When I shrink the browser, i want the content-pane show scroll bars and the components stay the same size originally. When I expand the browser to right(like in wide scree...