
Combine rows in Access 2007

I'm looking for an Access 2007 equivalent to SQL Server's COALESCE function. In SQL Server you could do something like: ---Person--- John Steve Richard DECLARE @PersonList nvarchar(1024) SELECT @PersonList = COALESCE(@PersonList + ',','') + Person FROM PersonTable PRINT @PersonList Which produces: John, Steve, Richard I want to d...

Splitting rows in SQL

Can someone please let me know how to get the different segments of the three rows that are intersecting in different ways using SQL? The three rows in #t2 represent sets A,B, C - I am looking for A I B, A I C, B I C, A I B I C, A' , B', C' etc., (7 possible segments with 3 rows as in a Venn diagram) where I is the Intersection. I am lo...

Database Design regarding Dynamic entries - One row, or multiple rows?

I've been trying to design a database schema for a side project but I havent been able to produce anything that I'm comfortable with. I'm using ASP.Net with LINQ for my data access: I'm going to allow users to specify up to 10 "items" each with 2 numeric properties, and 1 referential property, the item name. If I were to put this entry...

Copying specific rows from a sheet tab to another sheet tab by just clicking a button

Hi, Can anyone help me with this...I need to copy a set of rows from one tab to another tab of the same excel document by just clicking a button. Also, can I also get information on how can I copy a set of rows that are hidden and paste it in the same tab without copyng the "hidden" format? Thanks!!! ...

How can I check if a database query will return results?

Our website uses Perl to provide a simple mechanism for our HR people to post vacancies to our website. It was developed by a third party, but they have been long since kicked into touch, and sadly we do not have any Perl skills in-house. This is what happens when Marketing people circumvent their in-house IT team! I need to make a simp...

jQuery - Edit a table row inline

Hi, I have a table with arbitrary columns and rows. This fact is irrelevant though really, all I want to do is develop a function that will turn a row (or multiple rows) into a series of text inputs containing the data in the table (or empty if no data in cell). I can't find any examples of people explicitly doing this, so I wondered w...

SSRS - OutOf MemoryException - is there a limit to the number of rows that can be displayed

I have created an rdl doc that points at a proc that returns 90 000 rows and I am getting an out of memory exception. Is there a limit to how many rows the report projects can handle? Currently I have changed the proc that drives my report to just do a select Top 90 000. My specs are to be able to create a report with 120 000 rows. M...

Innodb: does the space occupied by deleted rows get re-used?

I have read several times that after you delete a row in an InnoDB table in MySQL, its space is not reused, so if you make a lot of INSERTs into a table and then periodically DELETE some rows the table will use more and more space on disk, as if the rows were not deleted at all. Recently I've been told though that the space occupied by ...

Making row ranges adjust

In my Excel spreadsheet, I've got a cell that is =SUM(C6:C19). If I go to C20 and add a row, that formula will not adjust. I want it to change to =SUM(C6:C20) ...

What's the most efficient/elegant way to delete elements from a matrix in MATLAB?

I want to delete several specific values from a matrix (if they exist). It is highly probable that there are multiple copies of the values in the matrix. For example, consider an N-by-2 matrix intersections. If the pairs of values [a b] and [c d] exist as rows in that matrix, I want to delete them. Let's say I want to delete rows like ...

delete rows from multiple tables

I'm trying to use SQL to delete multiple rows from multiple tables that are joined together. Table A is joined to Table B Table B is joined to Table C I want to delete all rows in table B & C that correspond to a row in Table A CREATE TABLE `boards` ( `boardid` int(2) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `boardname` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFA...

SQL to transpose row pairs to columns in MS ACCESS database

I have an MS Access database that contains translated sentences in source-target pairs (a translation memory for fellow users of CAT tools). Somewhat annoyingly, source and target are not stored in separate columns, but in rows linked by ID, like this: +---+----+--------------+ |id |lang| text | +---+----+--------------+ 1 a...

The file 'C:\....\.....\.....\bin\debug\128849991926295643' already exists

Hi, I'm using Visual C#2008 Express Edition and an Express SQL database. Every time I build my solution, I get an error like the one above. Obviously the file name changes. A new file is also created every time I hit a debug point. I have a stored proc that gets every row from a database table, it gets these rows every time the main for...

sql server :convert rows to columns

ihave at table with columns sales(int),month (int) . i want to retrieve sum of sales corresponding to every month .i need ouput in form of 12 columns corresponding to each which there will be single record containing sales for for each column(month) ...

Setting maxlength for each row in a multiline texbox

I want to set maxlength to 5 characters for each row in a mulitiline textbox. ...

Postgres: could an index-organized tables paved way for faster SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table

I find it cumbersome to create a trigger just to get the current total rows of the table without doing COUNT(*) FROM table. I'm thinking if their planned index-organized tables for Postgres 8.5 could make it possible? ...

Datatable with rows of inputs

I have a datatable that generates rows of text inputs and selection lists and when I submit the values are null. I realize this is because jsf is generating separate random ID's for each input. I really need the data by rows and then parse out what I need. Any suggestions?: <h:dataTable id="returnableItems" value="#{returnableItemsBean....

jQuery - Hiding a dynamically created table row on click

I'm currently trying to hide a dynamically created table row after a button has been pressed. So far I have managed to handle part of the dynamic functions. Each dynamic row has a "Cancel" and "Save" button, I have managed to respond to these with ease. My problem is actually working with the row itself. $(function() { $(".add").cl...

Convert multiple rows into one with comma as separator

If I issue SELECT username FROM Users I get this result: username -------- Paul John Mary but what I really need is one row with all the values separated by comma, like this: Paul, John, Mary How do I do this? ...

Can I provide a datable row with a name?

Is it possible to provide datatable rows with names in string form as one does with columns? I want to be able to refer to a row via a name rather than an index. EDIT: My bad. I am working in C#. I should have stated that. I am doing market correlation studies using statistical analysis. I want to store the outputs of correlation stu...