
Adding Rows to Gridview without using databind

Hello, I have a gridview inside of a listview predefined in the xaml: .... <ListView x:Name="listPriority" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" Margin="0,30,0,4" BorderThickness="0,0,0,0"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn x:Name="grvPriorityColumn" Width="140" Header="Priority" /> <GridViewColumn x:Name="grvMessage" Wid...

how to limit rows in dataGridView ?

Hi, i have a data file(csv) consisting of 2 columns & 1000 rows, as i load it to my datagridview it takes alot of time, i just want to show only the first 6 rows just as a preview of file to user. Is there any way i can show only the first 6 rows in my datagrid view. Following is the code im displaying the data in DataGridView. DataTabl...

How to loop through all rows in an Oracle table?

I have a table with ~30,000,000 rows that I need to iterate through, manipulate the data for each row individually, then save the data from the row to file on a local drive. What is the most efficient way to loop through all the rows in the table using SQL for Oracle? I've been googling but can see no straightforward way of doing this....

Merge like dates in MS Access

I am a pilot who flies multiple legs in a day. The software I use to log flights spits out a csv file and lists every leg separately. I import the csv file into table 1 in ms access. I would like to merge all flights from the same day into one record on a new table. My problem is combining the route and adding the time. Table 1 ...

Redirect user to the last page on my pagination...

I know this sounds confusing: I have just built some basic prev/next pagination for mysql and i wanted to know, if the last page of my rows is .php?page=5 and someone puts .php?page=263 then i want to redirect them to .php?page=5 Any ideas on how to do this.. the info i currently have is, how many rows are returned after the LIMIT so i...

Problem with rows and columns from a CSV

Hi, I'm having a major problem with writing values into a new CSV file. I receive a csv file from which I parse all of the values. This works fine, I've brought this up and put it into a datagridview. The first thing that we want to do with this file is to re-arrange it. As it stands, there are two sets of headers: one along the top, a...

When are ASP.NET GridView Rows actually added to the root Table?

Goal: For each row in the grid render a row under it that colspans all of the columns in the grid. Why: So that we can nest grids in that row or maybe a form for a quick edit or maybe an update panel. Challenge: In RowDataBound, RowCreated the row that you are working with has not yet been added to the root table. This makes it easy if...

adding multiple rows to gridview

I add one row to gridview dynamically, and also i want to add one more row to that and want to display all the rows ata atime.. how can i add rows to gridview dynamically.. ...

Limit the # of rows being housed in a SQL table

This is a table design issue. I have a table that stores IP addresses. The data in the table is queried very heavily. The IPs can have different flags such as "unblocked", "temporarily blocked" and "permanently blocked". 95% - 99% of the IP addresses do not have any type of block on them. Is there a way to limit the # of rows in t...

Problem with returning rows using PHP

<?php if (isset($_GET['flyerID'])) $FlyerID = $_GET['flyerID']; $DBConnect = @mysqli_connect("host", "UN", "pword") Or die("<p>Unable to connect to the datbase server.</p>" . "<p>Error Code ".mysqli_connect_errno().": ".mysqli_connect_error()) . "</p>"; $DBName = "agentsleuthdb"; @mysqli_select_db($DBConnect, $DBName) O...

devexpress delete a row

Using DevExpress's Grid, what the easiest way to implement a delete of a selection of rows from the UI only. The desired behavior is for the user to multi-select rows then press DEL. I have enabled editing and multi-select ...

Adding new rows to uitableviewcell

In my application,i will be displaying only one row on the uitableview initially. I want to increase the rows as user loads the previous row with data(an uiimage, here). Asof now i'm returing value 1, in numberOfRowsInSection: method, sincei don't know how to implement it in the required way. Pls help.. My cellForRowAtIndexPath method is...

MySql count table rows

Hello Stackoverflowers, I'm a MySQL beginner. Does anybody know what the sql statment is to read how many recods their are in a MySql database? I don't want to display the records i just want to know how many records their are in my table. Thanks DJ ...

How to count diffrent rows in MySQL ? (three columns as a whole)

How to count rows with distinct values on any of the three columns: col1, col2, col3? ...

How to delete current row with jquery datatable plugin

i have a column with buttons in a table an i am using jwuery datatable plugin. The buttons say "Remove" and the idea is that when you click on that button it deletes the current row in the table. when i call fnDeleteRow it seems to work the first time but no any further time for that row so it looks like its not really deleting the row...

Delete Multiple Row Challenge - MySQL & PHP with Checkbox Control

I want to build a feature that enables the user to moderate questions and is similar to wordpress comment or typical email moderation that uses a checkbox to approve/delete many questions at once. How would I modify the following code to check which the questions are checked and react to the delete buttons when pressed? You may notice f...

Convert Database Rows into Columns

I need to convert Database rows into columns and show the result in Gridview. My DB is as follows: ID Hotel cDate Price ----------------------------------------------- 1 Hotel1 12/22/2009 12:00:00 AM 15.0000 2 Hotel2 12/22/2009 12:00:00 AM 25.0000 3 Hotel3 12/22/2009 12:00:00 AM 60.0000 4 Hotel4 12/22...

div layout format php

i am trying it get that div displaying 5 in a row and then start a new line and display more atm all that is happening is the are going under each other. CODE < div>Line1< br />Line2< br>Line3< /div> Thank you ...

MySQL: Is it possible to "INSERT if number of rows with a specific value is less than X"?

To give a simple analogy, I have a table as follows: id (PK) | gift_giver_id (FK) | gift_receiver_id (FK) | gift_date Is it possible to update the table in a single query in such a way that would add a row (i.e. another gift for a person) only if the person has less than 10 gifts so far (i.e. less than 10 rows with the same gift_giver_...

repeated dates in rows

Hello, I have grid view.It contain date columns. I dont want to show repeat date in all the rows. I mean i have to show on top once. Please see my grid below. On Date Added column i want to show date only once if it is same date added. Date Added Who Added Updated Who Updated Action Code Comment Edit 02/05/01 UTA 02/05/01 UTA 008 ...