



I have an application with a tab bar and a navigation bar. I push a view controller that is used to show photos, one at a time. It initially shows the bars and forward/back controls; after a delay, these hide, using setNavigationBarHidden:animated: and a custom transform (CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation) on the tab bar. This works, but the view controllers view , which shows the photo, leaps up and down. The same is true if I leave the tab bar out of the equation.

How can I prevent the UINavigationBar from moving my view around? I would like the photo to stay fixed in the screen, with the nav bar dropping down over the top segment of it.


Hi paul,

i also want to create an animated, hide/show tab bar and a navigation bar.

can u assist me to accomplish it.


regards shishir

This isn't an answer, it should be a comment on the question. And I'm hoping that Alex can answer this! :-) (see your other question
Paul Lynch