
Using the WPF WrapPanel to Wrap and Right Align Text - WPF Bug?

I am attempting to use the WrapPanel and two TextBlocks to append an asterisk (*) to the left side of some text, allow the text to wrap, and force the text to be right aligned. I have successfully done so by creating a WrapPanel with the FlowDirection set to RightToLeft and adding my text, followed by the asterisk. However, if the text...

WPF WrapPanel with tab stop?

Hi, I'm interested into make a wrap panel (plenty of other user control) to be a tab stop. The panel is within a scroll viewer, the scroll viewer do have the IsTabStop property, but the scroll viewer doesn't. I want the user to be able to use tab key to navigate each by one of the user controls located within the wrap papel. ...

Prevent jumping of dynamically sized items in a WPF wrap panel.

I have a wrap panel full of rectangles, when you mouse over a rectangle it grows in size (using a storyboard animation) to simulate being magnified. That all works fine, the problem is that if you mouse over the last rectangle in a row the magnification causes it to jump to the next line (because it grew too big to fit on the current l...

Is there a (good/free) VirtualizingWrapPanel available for WPF?

I've found a couple of alternatives, this CodePlex project and this commercial one, but the former is extremely inefficient in my testing, and the latter, well, costs $$. I've also found this implementation, but it's not so much a WrapPanel as a "TilePanel", and doesn't support automatically-sized items (though it does appear to be fast)...

WPF WrapPanel will not orient items Vertically from within Xceed DataGrid.

Why does this NOT correctly wrap the TextBlock and WrapPanel vertically? <xcdg:DetailConfiguration.Headers> <DataTemplate> <WrapPanel Orientation="Vertical" Height="Auto"> <TextBlock Name="ecrDocs" FontSize="16" Foreground="SteelBlue" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(xcdg:Da...

Adding a linebreak/new line to a WPF Wrap Panel

Does anyone know if it's even possible to enter a line break into a WPF Wrap panel? It goes against what the wrap panel is for, so I'm not sure if it's possible. And if it's not, is there any other WPF control that actually allows me to enter a line break into it and supports adding childern (my own custom controls?) ...

WPF - Virtualising WrapPanel

Hi, does anyone have a functioning virtualising WrapPanel I can use in a WPF application? I have downloaded and tried the implementation at http://virtualwrappanel.codeplex.com/. However, I get the following exception: "Layout measurement override of element 'MyNamespace.VirtualizingWrapPanel' should not return PositiveInfinity as its...

How do you arrange items in a table layout in SilverLight?

SO I am stumped. I've got a collection of items that I'm binding to an ItemsControl and would like them arranged as a grid rather than strictly vertically or horizontally. All of the examples I've used in WPF are not supported in Silverlight like using the ItemContainerStyle or SharedSizeGroup and the Silverlight toolkit WrapPanel does n...

How to set all item width in WrapPanel to same value?

As I know there are some properties that allow to make every elements in WrapPanel have same width (ShareSizeScope). Now I want to archieve the same output in silverlight but there's no such property. Are there any properties or other ways that can help me to get same output as in WPF? ...