
Multiple column scrolling, resizeable panel?

I have this: http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/5046/whatiwant.jpg Each list is its own WrapPanel and they are all on another WrapPanel which is in a ScrollViewer. If I don't set the height myself for the main WrapPanel it assumes I want the WrapPanel as high as it can go giving me only one column whereas I want as many columns as need...

How to create a month-view control in Silverlight

Hi! I need to create a outlook like monthview-control for showing appointments. (a grid showing all days in a month, with the weekdays aligned vertically. Day number and dayofweek should be shown for every day, and the appointments should be shown in a listview inside the correct day) And I need some input on where to start. Say the ...

WPF : Reorder WrapPanel content via drag and drop?

I am looking for a way to reorder the content (items) of a WPF WrapPanel via drag and drop. I just want to click on an item and drag it to a new position. To my understanding this is a very common task and I wonder I someone already did this or has any idea how to implement this functionality. I did a google search already but found no...

Binding a simple business class to a WPF UserControl

I did quite a bit of WPF a couple of years ago but seem to have forgotten everything. Suppose I have a simple business class, say a TFS workitem. public class WorkItem { public WorkItem(string name, DateTime date) { Name = name; Date = date; } public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime Date { ...

Can not Resolve symbol WrapPanel in Silverlight 3

I am just a beginner in Silverlight, here is the XAML code. I have added reference to System.Windows.Controls, still it is saying that "Can not resolve symbol WrapPanel". <UserControl x:Class="HelloWorld.MainPage" xmlns:controls ="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls" xmlns="http://schemas.micro...

Fill WrapPanel from List

Hello! Help to understand. How to fill the panel from List. I want to get in the WrapPanel list of buttons and dynamically bind events to them. Thanks! ...

WPF create a list of items that scroll vertically then horizontally

How can I go about creating a control that has items in item that list vertically, but only to the height of the control, then start at the top of the second column? Sort of like the windows explorer look and feel. I am using a WrapPanel at the moment, but I cannot figure out how to make it scroll horizontally... Any help here is grea...

Silverlight ItemsControl vertical scrollbar, using a wrappanel as ControlTemplate

I have a collection of elements, each one with a name and a subcollection of image blobs. I want to display an Accordion, with each item representing each of the MainElements. inside each element, I display the images in the subcollecion of said MainElement. The Accordion gets resized by the user, so I use a wrappanel for presenting the ...

Where is the Microsoft.Windows.Controls.dll in the Nov 2009 Silverlight Toolkit?

I want to use WrapPanel in Silverlight 3. It is apparently in the Silverlight Toolkit. All the information I can find on it say to download the toolkit, unzip the download, look in the folder binaries and you will find Microsoft.Windows.Controls.dll. This works for December 2008 version of the Silverlight toolkit just fine, since it i...

Silverlight Chat WrapPanel Crash / Bug

I've been given the task to create a simple Silverlight chat box for two people. My control must adhere to the following requirements Scrollable Text must wrap if it's too long When a new item / message is added it must scroll that item into view Now I've successfully made a usercontrol to meet these requirements, but I've run into a...

How can I get Silverlight 4 Tools to work in Web Developer 2010 Express?

I installed Windows 7. I then installed Web Developer 2010 Express from here with the Web Platform Installer. I then installed the the April 15 release of Silverlight 4 Toolkit from here. I then added this reference: Then in my XAML, I reference it like this but it gives me no intellisense and tells me that I am missing an assembly...

Dynamic filling WrapPanel buttons from DB, setting the event handlers

I have a table: I'm using NHibernate. The class of entity: public class PurchasedItem { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual Product Product { get; set; } public virtual int SortSale { get; set; } } I want to get all the records table PurchasedItems (my method returns an IList ). Records are sorted in desc...

WPF WrapPanel - all items should have the same width

I have a ListBox whose ItemsPanel I have replaces with a WrapPanel. The WrapPanel now hosts the databound ListboxItems. Each item has a variable sized text in it, giving each item a different width. However, I want the width to be constant so that all items have the same width as the item with the longest text. Is that possible? ...

How can I line up WPF items in a Horizontal WrapPanel so they line up based on an arbitrary vertical point in each item?

I'm trying to create a View in WPF and having a hard time figuring out how to set it up. Here's what I'm trying to build: My ViewModel exposes an IEnumerable property called Items Each item is an event on a timeline, and each one implements ITimelineItem The ViewModel for each item has it's own DataTemplate to to display it I want to ...

WPF WrapPanel / ItemsControl not scrolling.

I have a wrap panel displaying items but I cant get a scroll bar to work properly any idea's whats wrong ? <ScrollViewer> <ItemsControl Name="itemsControl"> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <WrapPanel ItemWidth="{Binding ElementName=sizeSlider, Path=Value}" ...

Is there a WPF "WrapGrid" control available or an easy way to create one?

Essentially I want a wrapPanel, but I would like items to snap to a grid rather than be pressed up to the left, so I can get a nice uniform looking grid, that automatically consumes available space. WrapPanel handles the resize part. WPF.Contrib.AutoGrid handles a nice automatic grid. Anyone got a control that combines them? My use ca...

WPF: How to relayout wrappanel ?

I have a WrapPanel placed in a grid and fill it dynamically with ToggleButtons. The height of the row, where the wrappanel is located in, is calculated based on the number of ToggleButtons in the WrapPanel component. When I load my screen the items in the wrappanel aren't layouted correctly. However when I resize my form the items are sh...

WPF: How to load lots of large images fast into wrappanel?

I have about 45 decently large images (about 680x1000) that need to be loaded into a simple user control (rounded backborder with fill, image, textblock, and 2 side rectangles) and then displayed in a wrappanel. Virtualizing won't really help here since the images are to be all visible at program load. I know inside of the BitmapImage ...

WPF: WrapPanel in ItemsPanelTemplate expands list width

Hi, I have a listbox defined like this: <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ItemsControl> <!-- Contents here --> </ItemsControl> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> My problem is this: This l...

Wrappanel and scrollviewer problem

Hi, I need to display buttons in which user can use to add controls. Buttons are categorized in groups. Here is the XAML I am having - <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <GroupBox Name="maingroup" Header="Click To Add Controls" BorderBrush="Transparent"> <Grid> <Grid.Ro...