
Silverlight TreeView - Load data when node is expanded

Is there a way to only load child nodes when the parent node is expanded? The problem that I’m running into is that the “expand” icon doesn’t show up if a node doesn’t have any children. Since I don’t want to load the children until the icon is clicked, I’m left with a bit of a catch 22. ...

Silverlight AutoCompleteBox BorderBrush runtime color change?

Is it possible to update a templated AutoCompleteBox's BorderBrush at runtime? I can't seem to set the BorderBrush or the background. Even base statements like TxtFoodSearch.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) don't seem to made a difference after the page has loaded. My Xaml is below. <controls:AutoComplete...

Appending Silverlight Toolkit AutoCompleteBox with selected item

I'm working with an Autocomplete box from the Silverlight Tookit (December release). As the user types, I use a webservice to return an ItemsSource containing a lookup of only the word that the user is currently typing into the AutoCompleteBox (as oppossed to the entire phrase, which is the default behavior). What I'd now like to do is...

Silverlight Toolkit, Where do you put the binaries.

So you download the toolkit off Codeplex. Now what? Where do you prefer to place the binaries? I'm particularly interested in what you do with the design binaries, where in your systems folders do you place these? Do you add them to the GAC? ...

Silverlight Toolkit Treeview: Getting the parent of a selected item

Hi all, I'm using the TreeView component from the Silverlight toolkit and I'm trying to get the parent of a selected node. The TreeView is bound to a series of objects, so directly working with a TreeViewItem appears to be out of the question. <toolkit:TreeView SelectedItemChanged="DoStuff" DisplayMemberPath="Name" ItemsSource="{Bindi...

Is there any version problem in Silverlight 3 beta?

I have deployed website using silverlight 3.0.40307.0. It is working perfectly in Local IIS. But when client will installs the newer version of silverlight like 3.0.40626 or higher, It wan't be able to view website. How to get silverlight 3.0.40307 (old version of 3.0 beta)? What is the possible solution to deploy silverlight website o...

How to make smaller points on a Silverlight Toolkit's LineChart?

By default if you take a look at the Silverlight toolkit demo site, you will see on the LineChart some points wich are relatively big. As far as i know every point on the Chart is an Ellipse. For that i created the style on xaml file. <Style x:Name="C...

Showing lines with different colors on a Silverlight Toolkit’s LineChart?

Hy, I have a chart,wich is created in runtime,this could be Line, Bar or Pie type. Basically what i want is to have more contrast on the lines on the chart,this means i should use different colors on the lines. For Bar chart i use the StylePalette property to set wich colors will used in the chart,and it's working fine,but for Line it...

Silverlight datagrid grouping/sorting behavior

Given a Silverlight 3 datagrid that contains groups which are closed, when a row sort is initiated by clicking on a column header, all closed groups open to show their contents. Is there any way to stop this from happening? I'm using Silverlight 3 with the July 2009 toolkit. ...

Silverlight Toolkit Modifying October 2009 Source

I have some changes I need to make to the Silverlight toolkit Charting source I downloaded the Silverlight toolkit ... unzipped the source to a new directory Added the Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit.csproj Project to my Solution Removed The reference in my silverlight application to System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualizatio...

How do I show only the graph of a chart (No Legend, No Title, Minimum Space Used) in Silverlight 3.0?

I'm writing a Silverlight application that is showing a pie chart of completed items as an item in a DataGrid. I currently can get the graph to show as an item in the DataGrid using a DataGridTemplateColumn. My problem is the grid blows out the height of the data row because it has a title and a legend and a lot of allocated whitespace...

Silverlight: Overriding a theme with a custom ItemTemplate

I have a test project I created to get my feet wet with Silverlight 3. In order to get my AutoCompleteBox to display the correct property in the dropdown, I created a custom item template, like so: <navigation:Page.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="ItemDataTemplate"> <Grid Height="12"> <TextBlock x:Name="TextBlock"...

How to test UI interaction of Silverlight dialogs?

I am using Silverlight 3.0 Unit Testing, version Silverlight Toolkit November 2009. Apart from unit tests, it allows to do UI interaction tests, typically using AutomationPeer subclasses (eg ButtonAutomationPeer to interact with a Button). Are there AutomationPeer classes to test the interaction with the following: OpenFileDialog Sa...

Reclaiming the space from the DescriptionViewer part of the DataFields on a Silverlight Toolkit DataForm

The DescriptionViewer part of the DataField is used to display the Description property of the System.ComponentModel.DisplayAttribute as a ToolTip in the generated form. I don't want to use this capability and although I can make sure the UI element is not visible by using a style to set either the DescriptionViewerVisibility to Collapse...

Silverlight 3 Toolkit DataForm - No Cancel enabled?

Hey all! I have a Silverlight 3 datakit:DataForm bound to a ADO.NET Data Service 1.5 CTP2 datasource via the ItemsSource. A fragment is below... var programs = DataServiceCollection.CreateTracked( dashboardService, query.EndExecute(asyncResult)); this.ProgramEditForm.ItemsSource = programs; My DataForm definition is dea...

Silverlight Accordion control: all collapsed when loaded

Hi stackoverflow, I'm currently working on a project where I have an Accordion control on the MainPage. It all works just as intended, but there's a small problem that I cannot seem to get my head around. When I load the page, the first accordion is expanded. Is there any work-around to tell the Accordion control, that all the accordio...

How do I give the focus to a TextBox in a DataForm?

I've got a small DataForm and I want to set the focus on the first TextBox. I'm using the Novermber 2009 Toolkit. I've named the TextBox and tried using .Focus() from the DataForm's loaded event. I see it get focus for one cursor 'blink' and then it's gone. I'm trying to work out if this is an artefact of the DataForm or something el...

Silverlight Toolkit ImplicitStyleManager and Databinding

I have a UserControl that is using the ImplicitStyleManager. Controls on this UserControl (like buttons) are correctly styling with implicit styles. However, buttons in a datatemplate in a databound ListBox control are not picking up the styles. I have tried setting the mode to Auto. Am I missing something? ...

DataGrid with DataForm, same ItemSource converter issues

Im fairly new to SL3 and getting used to binding and converters. I have a DataGrid and DataForm, one property of the Class they are bound to is a TimeSpan. Im using a Timepicker control in the form so I need to convert between DateTime from the control and TimeSpan on the object. The converter is as follows #region IValueConverter Me...

Is it possable to add a DataField to a Silverlight DataForm without creating an entire edit template?

I am using the DataForm for an entity with about 40 attributes. I'm happy with how the form displays all but 3 of the attributes. These 3 attributes happen to be lists of items. I don't want to have to code out an entire edit template, seems very counter productive. <dataFormToolkit:DataForm AutoGenerateFields="True" CurrentItem="{Bind...