
AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE error when using DataForm control in Prism/silverlight 3

I'm using prism and SL3, as soon as I drop a DataForm Control in any modules, I get this error: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE [Line: 6 Position: 31] at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator) at HelloWorldModule.Views.HelloWorldView.InitializeComponent() at HelloWorldModule.Views.HelloWorldView..c...

How to hide the header for Silverlight 3 DataForm control

I'm using the DataForm control in my SL3 app, it has a header with some icons by default (edit, delete, navigation etc. etc.), I can prevent most of the icons from appearing on the header, but want to get rid of the header all together. haven't had much luck with google... ...

Silverlight 3 validation DataForm with templates

I have a SL3 application in which I'm using DataForm for my data entry. I want my form to look in the way I like it, so, I use <dataControls:DataForm.EditTemplate> and inside the template I have my good looking form design. the main issue is, inside the template I have to use normal controls (like TextBox) instead of the "field" control...

Silverlight 3 DataForm - How to populate DataFormComboBoxField from enumeration

XAML <df:DataForm x:Name="MobCrud" AutoEdit="True" AutoCommit="True" AutoGenerateFields="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" CommandButtonsVisibility="All" Header="Mob Details" CanUserAddItems="True" CanUserDeleteItems="True" CurrentItem="{StaticResource newMob}...

Populate DataFormComboBoxField from a list

Does anyone know how to populate a DataFormComboBoxField from a regular list in SilverLight 3 beta? There seems to be no meaningful documentation or examples anywhere online. Thanks ~Steve ...

silverlight commands via prism, getting the event args for the event?

I've a data form in SL3 which uses Prisms Commands with Attached Behaviour for trapping events. (It fairly tightly follows this blog post: Basically, it's all hooked up and working fine, however in the viewmodel,...

Selected Index on a DataFormCombobox

Does anyone know of a simple way to set a selected index or item a SilverLight 3 dataform combobox? All of the online documentation suggests that it can only be done via databinding, which I'm not using in one particular instance. Thanks ~Steve ...

Combobox in a Silverlight 3.0 dataform

With the new release of Silverlight 3 and the move of the DataForm to the SilverLight Toolkit - does anyone know how to programatically add items to a combobox in a DataForm? There doesn't seem to be any of accessing it via the code file/ Thanks ~Steve ...

How to add attributes to properties of a class generated (web service proxy)?

I have a Silverlight 3 application which gets data from a web service. When I add a reference to my web service, all the classes used by the web service are defined in a proxy class. So far, so good... Now, I would like to use the DataForm offered in Silverlight 3. To use that component, I must add metadata to my class (e.g. see code bel...

Silverlight 3 + RIA Services Data Commit Issue

Hello, I'm working on a Silverlight 3 app with RIA Services. I've got the app running but for some reason it's only reading data, not committing changes. Most of the online examples I've seen use Linq2Entities; we're using Linq2SQL (our data model is pretty good as-is without abstraction.) Here's a snippet of the Service: [EnableCli...

Showing server-side errors inside Silverlight 3 Data Form

I've got a Silverlight control with a Data Form inside to create an entity in my db. Beside the client-side validation that comes for free with Silverlight 3 and the Data Form control, I also have server side validation rules. How can I make those rules violations to show inside the Data Form just like the client-side rules? ...

Silverlight 3 DataForm best practices

I have got a new project I am doing in Silverlight 3 which is a LOB application. It will have a fair number of data entry screens, some of which will be pretty complicated. Is the new DataForm control up to the task for anything other than simple generic forms or should I create custom forms? And if I create custom forms, are there any b...

Silverlight 3 DataForm, how to show / hide fields

I've a DataForm which I have set the Visibility of certain DataFields to be Collapsed, and when the user selects an option from a ComboBox, certain DataFields should be made visible again. Basically (in rough pseudocode). OnComboBoxChange = if this.index = 1 then DataForm.Fields[1].Visibility = Visible else Dat...

Silverlight 3 Data Form Validation- server side (a la RIA Services)

As stated in this question, it is possible to display the server-side validation errors inside the Data Form error summary with RIA Services. My question is, how can I do the exactly the same but this time with a "plain vanilla" (i.e. no RIA Services) Silverlight 3 setup? Moreover, is it possible to highlight the Data Form fields that ...

Silverlight DataForm, Child Window, ComboBox, DataContext

I have a child window that contains a DataForm. In the DataForm there is a combobox. I have a DataContext set on the parent window that is opening the child window. Before I open the child window, I set the myChildWindow.DataContext = myGlobalDataContext. I have the ComboBox ItemsSource={Binding Path=MyCollectionInMyGlobalDataContex...

How can I set initial values when using Silverlight DataForm and .Net RIA Services DomainDataSource?

I'm experimenting with .Net RIA and Silverlight, I have a few of related entities; Client, Project and Job, a Client has many Projects, and a Project has many Jobs. In the Silverlight app, I'm uisng a DomainDataSource, and DataForm controls to perform the CRUD operations. When a Client is selected a list of projects appears, at which p...

Change when a RIA Services DataForm sends changes to the backing object

DataForms seem to update their CurrentItem as soon as the user tabs out of a field. This happens even when AutoCommit = false. The side effect of that behavior is that other controls that are bound to the data update while the user edits data instead of when the user clicks Ok to accept the DataForm changes. Is there a way to modify t...

Silverlight DataForm control with RIA ( i.e. Display(Description=....)]

Hi, I want the change the description of the labels on my silverlight dataform which currently show as my table fieldnames (dbEmailAddress). <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1"> <dataFormToolkit:DataForm x:Name="dataForm1" CurrentItem="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=dgLeagues}"...

Silverlight Binding

I've a Silverlight page using a MVVM behind it to handle all the data bits going on. The data context is set for the page using: DataContext="{Binding AddNewClientViewModel, Source={StaticResource ServiceLocator}}" ServiceLocator being a service that allows me to create and inject the appropriate VM using an IoC container. This all ...

Silverlight 3 Dataform - how to add fieds at runtime.

I am creating a DataForm from dynamic data (so I can't create the columns in the xaml), I currently create columns for my DataGrid (I have not worked out how I can create a button + event in a colomn yet) foreach (var item in headings.Entities) { theDataGrid.Columns.Add( ...