
RIA services/DataForm: How to use ReadOnly & Description attributes together

I have several cases where I have a property that I want to declare readonly, but also give some explanation of how it is calculated/set using the [Display(Description="")] attribute. I would like to do this in the metadata, if possible, rather than override in the dataform itself. Here's an example: [Display(Description = "Total n...

get new Item from Dataform using AddingNewItem event silverlight 3?

Hi All, I am working on a sample project using SL 3 and WCF RIA Services. I have a TeleCallLog page, Here I am using Dataform for CRUD operations. I want to provide separate interface for add new Employee(I am using Autocompletetextbox to show the history of callers). Is there any possible way to get the NewItem from Dataform and the...

MVVM & DataForm - How to set values for non-displayed fields

Hi, I'm using SL4 and RIA services. I have a simple table with 3 fields (Name, UpDatedByUserId, UpDatedOn). In my metadata I use Data Annotation on the 2 latter fields so that they do not display. My DataGrid and the related DataForm show each record correctly and, as required, the DataForm only shows the Name field but of course I want...

Mltiple EditTemplates for DataForm in Silverlight 4

Hi, I have a simple scenario where I'm displaying some products in the datagrid control and the details of a particular product is shown in DataForm. Each of the products are of different type and I want to display the fields only related to the Product Type in the DataForm. e.g If User selects Product 1 from the grid, I want to populate...

How to save edits from ChildWindow in Silverlight 4

In my Master detail scenario I' have a datagrid binded to DomainDataSource as Master and and when the user clicks on a row, I opened up the ChildWindow where the user can make the edits to curently selected record. I'm not using the DataForm. My Question is How can I save the edits made by user from ChildWindow? Do I need to get the han...

Dataform.EditTemplate Use Display string

Hi, Here is a part of my DataForm <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <df:DataForm x:Name="df1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" CurrentItem="{StaticResource descriptor}" CommandButtonsVisibility="All" AutoGenerateFields="False" > <df:DataForm.EditTemplate> <DataTemplate> ...

Silverlight Order form - use DataForm?

I need to design an order form where one row represents and order line and the customer can add item to order. I then want to display a new row under then added row for the customer to add another item. I'm thinking I should use a DataForm, but how do I display all rows at once rather than paging through the line items? ...

Silverlight DataForm - Nested Dataform - How to BeginEdit?

I have a Silverlight User Control. This contains a DataForm. This DataForm nests another Silverlight User Control, which also contains a DataForm. I have bound the nested dataform successfully to an object in the parent control. I can NOT however, get the nested control to enter Edit mode along with the parent. I have tried calling...

Customizing Silverlight Dataform's Commands with external controls

I am trying to handling datafrom's internal Add/Delete/Edit command form button control outside datafrom. I am using MVVMLight so. For example : To have Delete in delete button EventToCommand i Bind Command="{Binding DeleteCurrentItemInDataform, Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="{Binding CurrentItem, ElementName=Dataform1}" In ViewModel ...

Silverlight error 4004 value does not fall within the expected range.

hi all, I get the following error when I try to edit and save fields in dataform : Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Code: 4004 Category: ManagedRuntimeError Message: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodEx(Int...

Creating a Silverlight control that to be used in a DataForm and flags when changed

Hi I have created a custom control and am trying to use it in a dataform for editing. If I use a standard TextBox, the dataform flags that the data is dirty (it enabled the OK and Cancel button, and displays the *). However, when I use my control, it doesn't. The XAML I'm using is: <toolkit:DataForm CurrentItem="{Binding Path=CurrentEn...

Silverlight dataform blanks out textbox when focus is given to other textbox on form.

I have a data form that I assign a new Entity class as its current item. The problem is when i tab from one textbox on the dataform to the next the first one reverts back to a blank textbox. If hit save it will save the values you typed buy you cant see them once you tab or click on the next texbox. Below is my xaml and code behind. < ...

Auto cancel changes in DataForm when selection is changed

Hi %username%, I wonder how you do such thing. Assume, we have MVVM CRUD app which modifies a tree (menu structure, for example). We have a view model with the menu items and two views: the first with a TreeView and the second with a DataForm. Main problems are: DataForm can not handle hierarchical data. Depending on the menu item sel...

Converting HTML emails to "Well Formed XHTML Code"

I've trying to submit html emails to amazon's mechanical turk using the questionform xml data scheme. I'm having issues converting the html emails into well formed html data. I just input a script to grab it from my table and print the data inside the tags of the html email, but as you can see below, it's terribly formed and will not...

Silverlight 4, RIA Services & Data Annotations. Tooltips not appearing on DataForm.

I'm having a problem with data annotations and the automatic tool tips on my DataForm fields. The objects bound to the DataForm have been decorated with the Display and Description attributes e.g. [Display(Name = "Email Address:", Description="We do not sell your information!")] public string EmailAddress { get; set; } The expected to...

How to programatically detect if a DataForm is in edit mode

I'm using a DataForm in Silverlight 4. Several DataForms, actually, and they share a common RIA Services context. Here's the problem I'm having... If I start editing a DataField in one of the DataForms, then click on a button that calls Context.SubmitChanges(), I get the following error: �Entity 'foo' is currently being edited and ...

Setting listbox selecteditem in dataform in silverlight not working

I've got a child window that I popup to create events. I'm using the DataForm control and one of the fields is a selection from a listbox of event types. I can see that when the window closes, the event type is set properly on the event. If I pop the window back up and set the event to the one just created, all the fields populate fin...

Silverlight Dataform: "Save" and "Edit" buttons not showing up

I'm trying to make a data form in Silverlight 4. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. The class: public class ExpenseInfoTest { public int MyProperty { get; set; } public int Foo { get; set; } public int Bar { get; set; } } XAML: <local:ExpenseInfoTest x:Key="newExpense"/> <df:DataForm Height="218" ...

Silverlight: Use a collection for multiple options in a Data Form?

I have a data form that is working pretty well. One of the properties of my data object is an ObservableCollection. Right now, in the data form, it only displays the ToString() of the colletion. Not very helpful. I'd like some sort of autocomplete box with valid options, and when the user selects them they will be added to the data obje...

Silverlight: Override some autogenerated fields in a DataForm, while preserving the rest?

I have a DataForm that does 90% of what I need. I add a few fields of my own. This tutorial provides an example of how to do this, but it looks like I need to override everything to do that. (I'd rather not have that extra bulk.) This question looks like there might be a way by subclassing DataForm, but that seems kinda messy, and I'd l...