
How to enable WCF Ria service for ComplexType as reasult from SP?

As learned from Sliverlight forum, WCF ria Service does not support ComplexType, but EF 4.0 supply complextype for results of stored procedure. So if I want to use the results from stored procedure to feed data for datagrid in silverlight client, what's the solution? how to resolve it? ...

WCF RIA Services - Returning Entity from Invoke Operation

I was happily using RIA Services JULY 09 version and using a ServiceOperation for a method which takes some parameters and returns Entity. [ServiceOperation] public Entity TestMethod(string param1, string param2, bool param3) { // do something here } But as soon as i UPGRADED to WCF RIA services, I had to change [ServiceOperat...

WCF RIA Services - Passing a custom object to a query method as parameter

Hi I want to pass a custom class as parameter to the query method which returns me a collection of entities. I need something like this [Query] public IEnumerable Search(SearchParams params) { //do something here } public class SearchParams { public string FilterParam1 {get; set;} public string FilterParam2 {get; set;} public...

Is there an Overview document for the WCF RIA Services Beta for VS 2008 version?

When I downloaded the Microsoft .NET RIA Services July 2009 Preview, I got a hundred-and-something page Overview document. It looked like it had been revised from a previous release. I've just downloaded the WCF RIA Services Beta for Visual Studio 2008 version but I can't find an updated Overview document. Do you know is there is one?...

What DB required to make the Silverlight Business Application template work?

I've been trying to run the Silverlight Business Application template but it fails when I try to register. I have SQL Express with an MSSQLSERVER instance and I've defined the standard aspnetdb created. The error is: Submit operation failed. Unable to connect to SQL server database. at System.Web.DomainServices.ReflectionDomainServ...

Silverlight 4.0 + MVC 2.0 + WCF RIA Services + EF 4.0 = Load Error

I'm trying to buid a site with the following: VS 2010 (for the updated WCF RIA Services) Silverlight 4.0 (packaged with WCF RIA Services). MVC 2 EF 4.0 I am setting it up so that the public facing pages will be html from MVC, but the administration portion will be a silverlight navigation application using using WCF RIA Services for ...

WCF RIA Services Business Rule /Database Exception Handling

Hi I am using WCF RIA Services VS2008/.NET 3.5 and trying to do exception handling. I have overridden OnError method of DomainService and doing my exception handling in that method. I am trying to throw Business Rule Exceptions or Database Exceptions to client in some form so that client recognizes them and handles them differently. Th...

How to write a Mock Repository to test WCF RIA Domain Service build on top of Entity Framework Context.

Hi, I need to write a test layer to Test my WCF RIA Domain Service layer which is build on top of Entity Framework context. I have come across some patterns which suggest to use a repository and then use the Domain Service factory to intilize the domain service with a repository instance to use. One of the sample which fits the requirem...

How do I use a command line tool to install .net 4 to IIS

I'm trying to deploy my WCF RIA services application to our in-house server for testing. I've been following the instructions and comments from this blog site: http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2009/12/10/tips-to-deploy-ria-services-troubleshoot.aspx At the end someone points to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528324...

Why isn't my shared resource file working in my Silverlight RIA project?

I'm working on a Silverlight project with the WCF RIA Services beta. I'm using the BlahDomainService.metadata.cs file to validate a field by adding validation attributes, e.g. [RegularExpression]. It was working so I'm trying to put the Error message in a resource file and now it isn't working. The RegEx validation isn't being run on ...

WebRole in Azure Dev Fabric seems to be running with Integrated Authentication

I have a Azure WebRole running in VS2008, and whenever I launch it using Dev Fabric, the browser pops up an authentication dialog - which I can log in with my local account credentials. My web.config is set to forms auth, and if I run the WebRole directly (without dev fabric) it works no problem. Does anybody know how to configure th...

WCF Ria Silverlight 4, wrong list returned

I have a DataService returning an IQueryable I breakpoint at the "return" statement, list looks fine. I breakpoint at the Async callback method, and all the elements in the list are identical objects. Any Ideas? ...

How do I set a Type TSomething at run time in C#?

I am writting a function that takes a parameter and that parameter requires a Type of TEntity. I want to be able to pass it a specific Type during runtime but I am having trouble getting it to compile: public LoadOperation LoadQuery(EntityQuery<???> query) { LoadOperation loadOperation = DomainContext.Load(query,Load...

How to eager load in WCF Ria Services/Linq2SQLDomainModel

I have a databound grid at my view (XAML) and the Itemsource points to a ReportsCollection. The Reports entity has three primitives and some complex types. These three are shown as expected at datagrid. Additionally the Reports entity has a property of type Store. When loading Reports via GetReports domain method, I quickly figure out th...

How do I Immediately Validate a Newly Inserted Row in a Silverlight 3 Datagrid?

I have a Silverlight 3 tools library with a custom DataGrid user control. This grid has no direct access to the WCF RIA Services entity types so I'm using reflection to add a new item when the user clicks on the grid when it's empty: private void InsertEmptyRecord() { if (this._dataGrid.ItemsSource == null) return; Type...

How to persist an object graph in non-silverlight clients with WCF Ria Services?

I have just created my domain service from my windows mobile application project via the add reference menu. I construct my objects (Report -> ReportEntries, one-to-many) but I find it very hard to persist them. I understand that I will make use of the SubmitChanges(ChangeSetEntry[]) method but my difficulty lies in the construction of t...

WCF Ria services and Visual Studio 2010 RC?

Hi, does anyone know what the planning is for WCF Ria services now that the RC of VS 2010 is out? Specifically, when is a new build coming and will it be usable with Silverlight 3 now? ...

Slow Operations In A RIA Services Domain Service Class

sHi All, I am using silverlight 3 with RIA services. I was wondering how I should deal with slow operations in a domain services class? I have an operation that will take a couple of minutes. I get a WCF timeout after a minute while the client is waiting for a response from the server. Another approach perhaps? Is is possible to tell t...

How to Add an Entity with a Foreign Key through EF with Ria Services?

I have two tables in my database: Books and Categories. In my EDMX I have generated classes Book and Category, and correspondingly BookSet and CategorySet. I created BookService and can access it in my SilverLight code via BookContext. Through BookContext I am able to load a list of all books. My problem right now is I am trying to a...

VS 2008 does not stop into the breakpoint with WCF RIa services

Hello I have a project with SL3 and WCF Ria services. When I call from SL to a WCF RIA service the code works well but DOES NOT stop in the breakpoint using vs2008. Am I missing something? ...