
RIA service needs dummy public, non-attributed methods to compile

I am implementing a Silverlight application with a WCF RIA service in the server side and I am experiencing a very strange behavior. At this point the service is very simple and only has a few methods, all of them marked with the [Invoke] attribute. These methods are something like this: [Invoke] MyEntity DoWorkAndReturnEntity(string s...

Silverlight Business Application / RIA Services

When using WCF RIA Services, there are a couple of ways of to handle data. One suggested way is by using the DataForm object. Another way is by using the auto generated controls when dragging from the datasource onto the design surface. Many other ways I suppose are possible. With all these options, my question then is: What is the BEST ...

WCF RIA DomainContext has not changed after changing entry in property Dictionary<string, string>

I have a WCF RIA service containing an Entity with a property of Dictionary If I change an entry in the dictionary e.g. MyDic["Name"] = "Some text" I dont get a property changed and _domainContext.HasChanges is false. How can I make the DomainContext aware that I have changed an entry in a Dictionary. ...

Silverlight 4, WCF RIA Services generated incomplete code

I started with the Silverlight Business Application Template I will call this MyApp and MyApp.Web I added a new SL application project. and added a ria link to the existing web project. I will call this Loader This new SL app is the entry point of my solution, and basically loads the mainpage from the other xap file. Checks for u...

Where can I find (near) samples for different layers involved here

I am trying to implement a prototype based on the following: http://apparch.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=App%20Pattern%20-%20Three-Tier%20RIA%20Application%20Scenario While I understand most of it, I am just wondering if I could learn more from an existing samples regarding various layers as shown above. thanks. ...

Silverlight 4 - Configuring a SqlRoleProvider with a WCF RIA Services Class Library

Basically I separated the whole login registration and authentication of the Silverlight Business Application template into a WCF RIA Services class library. But I am not getting this remote server returned NotFound error. I am supposed to use the SqlRoleProvider and SqlMembershipProvider to hook up the authentication context to my data...

Issues calling a DLL from WCF/Silverlight

Trying to use a DLL that returns a list of tasks in the W2k3 server's Task Scheduler. Works great when I use it in a C# console app on the server, and using it on my computer (ASP.NET Dev Server), but when doing the same thing through the Silverlight-WCF RIA on the W2k3 server, it just wouldn't go. Silverlight returned "Object reference...

TwoWay binding in SL4 stops working when I add RIA Services to the mix. Solution?

Environment: VS2010, SL4, RIA Services I have an SL4 UI that I developed against data objects that were instantiated from an XML file (so that I didn't have to worry about the back end of the app while I worked on the front end). In this UI, I have a data grid that shows properties for each object in the collection of data. I also ha...

Silverlight + WCF RIA + Child-Parent-ReferenceBook => How to fill ComboBox on UI side correctly

Hello everyone! It could be the question about Entity Framework (WCF RIA domain model is based on it) but I'm not sure... So I have Silverlight UI (MVVM) + WCF RIA domain services + Entity Framework on server side. I have data Entities: Room -> Hotel (parent entity) <- RoomTypes plus Room has a reference to room type (so Room can be e...

ASP.NET together with WCF RIA Services or WCF Data Services

Makes it sense to use ASP.NET applications together with WCF RIA Services or WCF Data Services (to encapsulate the data access layer) ? Or are these technolgies only useful for Silverlight applications. ...

Usage of WCF RIA Services without the Entity Framework

Can WCF RIA Services be used without the Entity Framework (for example, if the datasource is no classical database) ...

Should I pivot/crosstab db data on the server or client?

Hi, I have a Silverlight 3 app using WCF RIA Services and Entity Framework for the data-layer. I need to pivot some data and was wondering what the best practice is: Should the service return pivoted data, or should it just return a standard entity set and the client do the pivoting? Bearing in mind that the data needs to be editable s...

Silverlight 4 Out of Browser error

Using the Silverlight 4 WCF RIA services works just fine via web page. After installing it as an Out Of Browser application, there is a blank screen then an error comes up saying "Load operation failed for query 'GetUser'. The HTTP request to 'http://reports.mywebsite.com/Reports/ClientBin/Reports-Web-AuthenticationService.svc/binary/Ge...

How to get can CanAddNew to be true for a collection returned by RIA Services

RIA Services is returning a list of Entities that won't allow me to add new items. Here are what I believe to be the pertinent details: I'm using the released versions of Silverlight 4 and RIA Services 1.0 from mid-April of 2010. I have a DomainService with a query method that returns List<ParentObject>. ParentObject includes a pro...

Silverlight + WCF RIA + how to include a conditional set of child records (not all but a set)

Hello everyone! I've got a problem with loading related data via WCF RIA and Entity Framework - please help me - i don't know how to solve it. I have Room <-- RoomRecords(contains startDate/endDate fields and reference to parent Room) and I have to load RoomRecords where e.g. start date >= 1.07.2010 and endDate <= 15.07.2010. Parent R...

Project a DateTime from an IQueryable to a string in a custom class

Hi. I have this code running on the server part of my Silverlight application with WCF Ria Services: public IQueryable<PersonePM> GetPersoneByCognome(string cognome) { return (from p in ObjectContext.Persone where p.Cognome.ToLower().Contains(cognome.Trim().ToLower()) select new PersoneP...

ObjectSet and ResultSet on stored procedure on EF and Domain Service

In EF 4, the default ObjectSet is available for each entity. For example, I have table Employee, after gererated Entity Model, EF will create ObjectSet on Employee. Then when using wcf ria service, the default query will be like: public IQueryable GetEmployee() { return this.ObjectContext.Employees; } With objectSet, I...

Ria service generated code not support partial class

I'm using Ria service class library. This contains 2 library named RiaClasslibrary RiaClasslibrary.Web. Riaclasslibrary.Web contains ADO.NET entity data model and named BaseModel. BaseModelcontains tPage class. My problem is I'm inserting separated tPage class. This class contains 2 public property. show below public sealed partial...

Submit operation failed - NotFound from RIA Services with Silverlight 4 on SubmitChanges()

I'm using SL4 and RIA Services to build a new solution based on the Silverlight Business Application template. Since I'm still developing, I'm just using localhost. I'm trying to test the SubmitChanges functionality by making a single change in an associated (composition) entity and calling SubmitChanges. I have a breakpoint in my Dom...

RejectChanges() problem with RIA Services and Silverlight 4

I'm using SL4 and the version of RIA Services that was released at the same time as SL4 (mid-April 2010). I have a datagrid that is bound to a PagedCollectionView that wraps the EntitySet returned by RIA Services, i.e. context.MyEntities. I don't allow editing directly in the grid. Instead, I have a separate "update" panel (a UserCo...