
Silveright - extending AuthenticationService to provide custom authentication

I am trying to add to the authentication system provided in the Silverlight 4 business template as my model does not completely fit that provided in the template. I have an existing web service that performs my authentication and provides roles and also permitted operations for each role. This is the model provided by AzMan/Authenticatio...

Silverlight - created a new domainservice but how do I access it from client?

I have used the SL business application template and added a new blank, empty domain service in my Services folder on the .Web part of the solution. The class is DomainService1 and inherits from DomainService. It contains one method: public class DomainService1 : DomainService { public string Hello() { return "Hello Worl...

ObjectSet and ResultSet on stored procedure on EF and Domain Service

In EF 4, the default ObjectSet is available for each entity. For example, I have table Employee, after gererated Entity Model, EF will create ObjectSet on Employee. Then when using wcf ria service, the default query will be like: public IQueryable GetEmployee() { return this.ObjectContext.Employees; } With objectSet, I...

Error: The result of a query cannot be enumerated more than once

Call SP in EF 4.0 in following code: public IQueryable<Employee> GetEmployeesByFollowup() { var results = from p in this.ObjectContext.SearchEmployeeFollowup() select p; foreach (Employee p in results) { p.DepaermentReference.Load(); ...

WCF RIA DomainService: POST to JSON Endpoint Always Shows NULL.

I've got a DomainService that I've created from an entity framework that's being exposed via a JSON endpoint. I can successfully do GET operations but whenever I try to POST to them using JSON the objects are always null. The code below is used to create a user record in my database: [Invoke] public void CreateUser(User NewUser) ...

Where is System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework DLL?

Hello, I'm trying to use RIA services, I installed Silverlight 4 and Silverlight 4 Tools/SDK, but I cannot setup a LINQToEntitiesDomainService because I can't find this namespace/assembly: System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework. Where does this assembly come from, not sure why it's missing? Is that an add-on I'm missing? ...

Can't Get EF4 Eager Loading of Subclassed Entities to Work

I have an abstract Content entity in my EF4 model with a concrete subclass, MultipleChoiceItem. There is a related table in the case of MultipleChoiceItem accessed by a Navigation property on the MultipleChoiceItem entity called Options. I would like to eager-load the Options result because if you're getting a MultipleChoiceItem, you alw...

DomainContext Load

I tried to load a entity by domainservice(async) in on line of code like: context.Load<Book>( context.Books.Where(b => b.BookID == 1), (s, e) => { _book = e.Results; }, null); But I got following error: The type 'SilverlightApplication1.Book' cannot be used as type parameter 'TEntity' in the generic type or method 'System.Service...

Returning Associated Members via Ria DomainService Invoke Method

I got this DomainService method I'm calling from my SL ViewModel using the Invoke attribute: [Invoke] public ServiceModel.Recipy GetRecipyById(int recipyId) { return new Recipy { RecipyId = 1, Name = "test", Description = "desc", Author =...

help with LINQ join

Hi - I'd like to get some help on how to formulate this query: I Have a snapshot of the datamodel relevant to this question at: To the method that should be created the input is a guid userid in the following called inputuserid. Please help me get: a list of all the subjects that have any note...

Silverlight 4 DomainService - EntitiesInError - EntityConflict - PropertyNames throws InvalidOperationException

Following an introductory tutorial for the new DomainService in Silverlight 4 RIA, I got an unexpected exception. When I perform an update the property EntitiesInError[index].EntityConflict.PropertyNames throws the following exception: InvalidOperationException: PropertyNames are not available for delete conflicts. Service method execu...

LINQ to Entities Domain Service

I have a domain service, derived from LinqToEntitiesDomainService<FOOEntities> It has one method, IQueryable<Bar> GetBar(). GetBar returns a LINQ query on the entity model. The LINQ works fine in LINQPad. In the XAML of a Silverlight thingy, I have a ListBox whose ItemsSource points to a DomainDataSource defined in the same XAML file,...

Entity Framework 4 and SQL Server 2008 R2 Change Data Capture Not Playing Nicely Together

When I try to use these two features together, I get a compilation error on my model (note, I've renamed the entity for my _CT table "ContentHistory" and my SL4 Unit Test project is called "DomainServices.UnitTest": Error 39 Property 'DomainServices.Web.ContentHistory.C___seqval' is marked as a key property and is of Type 'System.Byte[]...

XAML/Silverlight: Passing a collection (e.g. ListBox.SelectedItems) to a DomainService method

I need to pass a set of values to a DomainService method. Here's what I'd like the service method to look like: IQueryable<Person> GetPeople( Nullable<DateTime> MinDOB, IList<String> Ethnicities ) { return from Person item in ObjectContext.People where item.DOB >= MinDOB && Ethnic...

How can I call a RIA service from another RIA service?

In my authentication service, I would like to call methods (query or invoke) on my User service to validate credentials. So, for example: protected override AuthUser ValidateCredentials(string name, string password, string customData, out string userData) { AuthUser user = null; userData = null; ...

RIA DomainService Local SQL OK, Remote SQL Not Found.

I am using a DomainService with .NET4, EF4. It is working from my local SQL Server, when I change the connection string to the remote SQL server which has the same schema and data in it, shallow queries run normally. When a query which contains .Include("child_table_name") in the ObjectQuery and [IncludeAttribute] on the entity property...

ObservableCollection with ObservableCollections not rendering correctly.

I am relatively new to the Silverlight experience and am trying to create a MVVM app with a DomainService that returns POCOs as the models. I have a UserControl that has a TreeView with the ItemsSource set to bind to an ObservableCollection of a type that has an ObservableCollection as one of it's properties, and that collection is of a ...

Is the callBack method called before the assignment or after here?

Hi, I have the code below which is basically calling a Domain Service in a SilverLight Application. LoadOperation<tCity> loadOperation = _dataContext.Load(query,callBack, true); Can you tell me which operation is done first? Is the callBack method called before loadOperation variable is assigned or after it is assigned? Thanks ...

How to serve a XSD Hierarchical Business Object Entity to a Sliverlight client Using RIA services?

I'm looking for a solution to a problem I've encountered using RIA and XSD. The main problem is that the XSD schema generates a Hierarchical entity type with no relations to its children ( because the relationship is implicit from XML) the problem that I've encountered is that RIA handles Relational Entity objects and there is no way to...

What is the correct way to get a Collection with a Collection from a DomainService?

Currently I have a DomainService that gets lists of MainBusinessLines, Groups, and LOBs. It then loops and adds the Groups to the appropriate MainBusinessLine, and adds the LOBs to the appropriate Group. I have stepped through and confirmed that the collections are correct. But the issue is when the LoadOperation of the DomainContext loa...