



As learned from Sliverlight forum, WCF ria Service does not support ComplexType, but EF 4.0 supply complextype for results of stored procedure. So if I want to use the results from stored procedure to feed data for datagrid in silverlight client, what's the solution? how to resolve it?


EF 4.0 can supply complex types for proc results, but it doesn't have to. You can map regular entities, as well.

Craig Stuntz
the result is different from any existing entity. you means that I need to create a new entity to match this result? Or you mean different approach? If so, I'm worry about auto generated process because there are some manual job added. Any idea?
Yes, you'd create a new entity. At least, until RIA Services gets complex type support, which would hopefully be soon.
Craig Stuntz
I have created an Entity in edmx to match the result of SP. I can compile it. Then I use it in Ria Services. When compiling ria service project, it gave me the error `No mapping specified for the following EntitySet/AssociationSet`. For this result, I did not need to map it to a real table!