
Silverlight Accordion Control with Dynamic Content

I'm using the Silverlight Toolkit's Accordion control. I wanted to create a list of controls that I could load into the accordion and replace on the fly if needed. So here is what I did: Create a class to hold the header and content of each accordian item. public class AccordionViewItem { public AccordionViewItem() { ...

Installation of Silverlight 2 Tools

I have installed Silverlight 2 on WinXP. I need Silverlight 2, not Silverlight 3; this is why I put 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Silverlight\UpdateMode = 2' into Registry - to disable automatic update. It works. Bu then I need to install Microsoft Silverlight 2 Tools for Visual Studio 2008. During install it UPDATES Silverligh...

Silverlight/WPF charting toolkit. Can I change frequency of tick marks on CategoryAxis?

There is Interval property on LinearAxis but none on CategoryAxis. I need to control frequency of tick marks on X axis. The native logic does so many marks that I cant read even if I stretch the chart across 3 wide monitors!! ...

use Silverlight Toolkit custom build

How do I use a custom build of the Silverlight Toolkit to build my Silverlight project? I'd like to be able to step into Toolkit code while debugging. ...

Silverlight DataGridDragDropTarget. How to drag a data grid item into a stack panel / user control?

I have data grid. I have DataGridDragDropTarget from November Toolkit. I now can drag and drop a data grid item to a listbox or tree view.. However I need to drop the item onto my user control (and add it to a plane stack panel). There is an article from the guy who wrote all these extension:

Silverlight. Fix needed. Dragging stack panel item to the right moves it underneath other items...

I have stack panel with custom controls in it. I attach standard MouseDragElementBehavior to each item. When I drag to the right the item moves underneath the other items. What would be a viable solution to create better user experience - to show better visual cue - how the item moves and where is it going to be dropped. ...

Silverlight: AutoCompleteBox and TextWrapping

How to enable TextWrapping in the AutoCompleteBox control of the SilverlightToolkit (November 2009)? There is no property to set the wrapping mode. So is there any workaround? Sven Here are more infos about my current problem: To me the AutoCompleteBox consists of a list which displays all possible values and a TextBox where I enter a ...

How do I bind list items to an Accordian control from the Silverlight 3 Toolkit?

I have a list of objects in a model. I wish to show elements of the DTO's in the list in my AccordianItem panels. The model is like this: public class MyModel { public List<AnimalDTO> Items { get; set; } public MyModel() { Items = new List<AnimalDTO> { new AnimalDTO...

Hierarchical templating multiple object types in silverlight

Is it possible and if so what is the best way to implement the following hierarchical structure in a silverlight (4) TreeView control? (where Item and Group are classes which can exist in the tree). Group | |-Item | |-Group | | | |-Item | | | |-Item | |-Item The structure could of course be arbitrarily more complex than this, if need...

Where is the Microsoft.Windows.Controls.dll in the Nov 2009 Silverlight Toolkit?

I want to use WrapPanel in Silverlight 3. It is apparently in the Silverlight Toolkit. All the information I can find on it say to download the toolkit, unzip the download, look in the folder binaries and you will find Microsoft.Windows.Controls.dll. This works for December 2008 version of the Silverlight toolkit just fine, since it i...

How do I change the spacing between fields in a DataForm?

How do I change the spacing between fields in a DataForm in Silverlight? I've tried editing the template but cannot find what I need. I thought all I needed to do was change the MinHeight and Margin of the DataField style, but that doesn't seem to do it. <Style TargetType="dataFormToolkit:DataField"> <Setter Property="IsTabStop...

Silverlight 4 Overriding the DataForm Autogenerate to insert Combo Boxes bound to Converters.

I've been working towards a solution for some time and could use a little help. I know I've seen an example of this before, but tonight I cannot find anything close to what I need. I have a service that provides me all my DropDownLists, either from Cache or from the DomainService. They are presented as IEnumerable, and are requested f...

Nested AccordionItem. Inner AccordionItem do not expand.

In Silverlight an AccordionItem is inside another one . When the inner one is selected, it can not expand its parent more which is already expanded to show its own content. I tried to get around it by templating but I was unlucky. Does any one has a solution for it [prefer a solution without code]? <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas....

Silverlight 3.0 Custom Cursor in Chart

Hello All, I'm probably overlooking something that will be obvious when I see the solution, but for now... I am attempting to use a custom cursor inside the chart area of a Toolkit chart. I have created a ControlTemplate for the chart, and a grid to contain the cursors. I show/hide the cursors, and attempt to move the containing Grid...

Multiple Silverlight Unit Test Projects in Solution

I am building out a number of Silverlight 4.0 libraries that are part of the same solution. I like to break them into separate projects and have a Unit Test project for each: SolutionX -LibraryProject1 ---Class1.cs ---Class2.cs -LibraryProject1.Test ---Tests1.cs ---Tests2.cs -LibraryProject2 ---Class1.cs ---Class2.cs ---CLass3.cs -Libr...

How can I get Silverlight 4 Tools to work in Web Developer 2010 Express?

I installed Windows 7. I then installed Web Developer 2010 Express from here with the Web Platform Installer. I then installed the the April 15 release of Silverlight 4 Toolkit from here. I then added this reference: Then in my XAML, I reference it like this but it gives me no intellisense and tells me that I am missing an assembly...

Why does Silverlight 4 Tools only give partial intellisense?

I finally got Silverlight 4 Toolkit installed , referenced and working after the difficulty of finding the right namespace described in this question. But intellisense doesn't work fully: after I type "tk:", it doesn't pop up the various controls I have available, but if I type a control name out, e.g. DockPanel, then it works, as shown...

How to make DataGrid in Silverlight 4 show no selection?

I have a DataGrid that I want to simply display data in. I don't want anything to be selected. However, it always wants to select the first column of the first row. Here is the XAML: <myDataGrid:DataGrid x:Name="grdPerson" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="478" Width="302" IsReadOnly="True" RowBackgroun...

AreaDataPoint in SL3 Chart is Fixed Size

In Silverlight 3, it appears that the AreaDataPoint template ignores any size set in its ControlTemplate. <ControlTemplate TargetType="chartingTK:AreaDataPoint"> <Grid x:Name="Root" Opacity="1"> <!-- Width and Height are ignored --> <Ellipse Width="75" Height="25" StrokeThickness="{TemplateBinding Borde...

Silverlight 4: How to find source UI element from contextmenu's menuitem_click?

I have a datagrid and I added silverlight 4 toolkit contextmenu to textbox in datagrid as follows. When users right click on the textbox, contextmenu is being displayed. When users click the menu item with Header "Test", "MenuItem_Click" is getting executed. Now I want to access the textbox from the MenuItem_Click and modify its properti...