
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem (or equivalent) for a DatePicker?

I currently have a combobox with bound to an ObservableCollection <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Past}" DisplayMemberPath="Date" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"/> Using, 'IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem' it "synchronizes" with a set of labels that show the data below in a set of labels like: <Label DataContext="{Binding ...

Silverlight/WPF charting toolkit. Can I change frequency of tick marks on CategoryAxis?

There is Interval property on LinearAxis but none on CategoryAxis. I need to control frequency of tick marks on X axis. The native logic does so many marks that I cant read even if I stretch the chart across 3 wide monitors!! ...

WPF DataGrid default column types

Hi, I'm using a DataGrid to display 2 possible types of DataRow in a DataTable. One type has the column Parent = NULL and the other has Parent set to another DataRow in the same DataTable. The list of column in the DataTable is always different, so explicitly describing each column is not possible. I want to display a UserControl in ev...

Is there a way to associate a Command with a WPF Toolkit DataGridHyperlinkColumn?

Hi: Is there any way I can associate a Command with a DataGridHyperlinkColumn? I've tried this: <DataGridHyperlinkColumn Header="Client Name" Binding="{Binding ShortName}"> <DataGridHyperlinkColumn.ElementStyle> <Style TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="Hyperlink.Command" ...

Using a Datagrid as a Datagrid.RowDetailsTemplate

Hey Guys, I want to use a Datagrid as conten of another Datagrid's RowDetailsTemplate. It works nerarly perfect, but there is the problem, that the child Datagrid ColumnDefinition seems to have no effect. Here is my Code: <toolkit:DataGrid VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" AutoGenerate...