
C# Silverlight Datagrid - ADO.Net Data Entities CRUD?!?!

Hello! I have followed this tutorial which allowed me to create a Silverlight Datagrid that pulled back data from an SQL Server Database. My next step is to be able to perform CRUD on this set of data (hopefully via the datagrid by simply editing the fields for update etc. and having this post back). I have been informed that the datagr...

WPF DataGrid style Silverlight DataGrid?

That's not a secret: Silverlight's DataGrid default style is beautiful while WPF's is poor. Instead of reinventing the wheel let me ask the community if anyone has copied the SL styles to use in WPF. Silverlight default-style DataGrid: WPF default-style DataGrid (updated after Saied K's answer): ...

Silverlight DataGridDragDropTarget. How to drag a data grid item into a stack panel / user control?

I have data grid. I have DataGridDragDropTarget from November Toolkit. I now can drag and drop a data grid item to a listbox or tree view.. However I need to drop the item onto my user control (and add it to a plane stack panel). There is an article from the guy who wrote all these extension:

How to define a DataTemplate in code?

How can I create dataTemplate in code (using C#) and then add control to that DataTemplate ? <data:DataGrid.RowDetailsTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Border> <Border Margin="10" Padding="10" BorderBrush="SteelBlue" BorderThickness="3" CornerRadius="5"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Descrip...

How can I stop Silverlight DataForm immediately saving changes back to underlying object?

I have a Silverlight master-details DataForm where the DataForm represents a street address. When I edit the Address1 textbox, the value gets automatically committed to the bound Address object once focus leaves the textbox. If I hit the Cancel button, then any changes are undone because Address implements IEditableObject and saves its...

How to set datacontext to silverlight control from aspx page?

Hi, How can I set the data context for silverlight control from aspx.cs? In other words, I want to set viewmodel for silverlight control from outside. Please let me know if anyone has done it before? ...