



I have data grid. I have DataGridDragDropTarget from November Toolkit.

I now can drag and drop a data grid item to a listbox or tree view..

However I need to drop the item onto my user control (and add it to a plane stack panel).

There is an article from the guy who wrote all these extension:

But he is incomprehensive. Did anyone try to do the similar I need?

I would like to use a behavior (custom behavior is fine - I did it before) or toolkit DragDropTarget solution.

I just dont know how to attach to an individual data grid item...

+1  A: 

What I did:

a. the grid is wrapped in:

            <dtool:DataGridDragDropTarget msw:DragDrop.AllowDrop="False" ItemDragCompleted="ItemDragCompleted_Handler"
                                          HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch">

b. The child user control which is supposed to receive the drop has MouseEnter / MouseLeave events hooked up and the IsMouseInside public property exposed.

c. The event handler as follows:

    void ItemDragCompleted_Handler(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e)
        if (ChildControl.IsMouseInside)
            SelectionCollection sel = (e.Data as SelectionCollection);
            ChildControl.AddItem(sel[0].Item as MyData);
