If I run the following in Management Studio (SQL Server 2008) :
exec [USP_CNT_BookingDetail_ExtractAccountingPlanData] '4AFD6633-CB90-4165-913D-EE3EA74708DA', '7EF7CCB2-E09F-4408-AE2D-F857C063F2C1'
I get the result back in less than a second
I however I run it in VB.Net like this :
Using aConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(*** Some Connection String ***)
Dim aCmd = aConnection.CreateCommand()
aCmd.CommandText = "exec [USP_CNT_BookingDetail_ExtractAccountingPlanData] '4AFD6633-CB90-4165-913D-EE3EA74708DA', '7EF7CCB2-E09F-4408-AE2D-F857C063F2C1'"
End Using
it times out (I know that ExecuteNonQuery does not return data, but I tried to keep the code as small as possible).
I've used the same DB, UserID and password in code as in the Management Studio en the Isolation Level is Read Comitted.
Anybody has any idea ?