



Hi everyone!

This is puzzling me for awhile. I am developing a SharePoint MOSS 2007 site. I have one set of accounts, who have no issues accessing the site and using correct master page. When I use the second set of Windows user accounts, they use completely different master page for unknown to me reason. There is no logical separation between those groups, meaning that 1 account from 1 department may behave correctly, and another account form the same department, who should have the same privileges, references a different master page.

When I try to programmatically see what the master page is, it displays the same standard default path as for other users, "_catalogs/masterpage/default.master".

The strange thing is that it seems that this different master page is really the same, but the older version of it. Did anyone experienced the same issue? How do I fix this? How do I find out what the second master page really is?

Thanks in advance.


Have you checked in and also approved the master pager after editing it, so that the new version is available for everyone?

Thank for your reply. Yes, it is checked in. After some research, I cam into conclusion that it does have to do with different user permissions afterall.