



Is there a way to insert a 2D image into Google Earth which could then be rotated to always face the camera?

It's done in Sketch-up with the man that stands there when you initially open a new scene. You can rotate your view around, but he will keep facing you until you look at him from the top, which then reviels that he is actually a 2D image.

Ideally, I'd like to not make this an image but rather a skriptable piece of kml.

The idea being to show a graph of the altitude while you are following around a kml line object.

any idea, help, link would be much appreciated.

Update: An alternative would be to add a HUD element to Google Earth itself. Is there an SDK available to google earth? The idea being that I could write an ad-in that I could instatiote from KML that would show a graph of the current altitude for a given point in a path. Thanks