I have the following regular expression that works fine in perl:
Classification:\s([^\n]+?)(?:\sRange:\s([^\n]+?))*(?:\sStructural Integrity:\s([^\n]+))*\n
The type of data format this string is supposed to match against is:
Classification: Class Name Range: xxxx Structural Integrity: value
Classification: Class Name Structural Integrity: value
Classification: Class Name
That is: the "Range" and "Structural Integrity" fields are optional. So the desired result is:
$& [Classification: Class Name Range: xxxx Structural Integrity: value ]
$1 [Class Name ]
$2 [xxxx ]
$3 [value ]
$& [Classification: Class Name Structural Integrity: value ]
$1 [Class Name ]
$2 [value ]
$& [Classification: Class Name ]
$1 [Class Name ]
The expression uses the ? lazy quantifier in two places. This operator is not supported by QRegExp, instead Qt uses a "minimal" property which, when set to true, makes all quantifiers in an expression non-greedy
Armed with this information I write my code:
QRegExp rx("Classification:\\s([^\\n]+)(?:\\sRange:\\s([^\\n]+))*(?:\\sStructural Integrity:\\s([^\\n]+))*\\n");
But the results are incorrect, and after much tweaking I haven't been able to get the correct captures. Is it possible to split this up into more code and less regex? Or to rewrite it without the lazy operator?