I am trying to add an unhandled exception handler in .net (c#) that should be as helpfull for the 'user' as possible. The end users are mostly programers so they just need a hint of what object are they manipulating wrong.
I'm developing a windows similar to the windows XP error report when an application crashes but that gives as much imediate information as possible imediatly about the exception thrown.
While the stack trace enables me (since I have the source code) to pinpoint the source of the problem, the users dont have it and so they are lost without further information. Needless to say I have to spend lots of time supporting the tool.
There are a few system exceptions like KeyNotFoundException thrown by the Dictionary collection that really bug me since they dont include in the message the key that wasnt found. I can fill my code with tons of try catch blocks but its rather agressive and is lots more code to maintain, not to mention a ton more of strings that have to end up being localized.
Finally the question: Is there any way to obtain (at runtime) the values of the arguments of each function in the call stack trace? That alone could resolve 90% of the support calls.