I've created a simple Project model with four attributes:
Project name:string description:text complete:boolean user_id:integer
Then added some validation to the model:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name, :description, :complete
Now, when I attempt to save a Project in irb, I am not allowed:
>> r = Project.new(:name => 'Name', :description => 'Description', :complete => false)
=> #<Project id: nil, name: "Name", description: "Description", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, complete: false, user_id: nil>
>> r.save
=> false
It seems like I have met all the validation requirements, yes? If I change the complete attribute to true, then I am able to save the object:
>> r.complete = true
=> true
>> r.save
=> true
I can't see what's happening here. Does the complete attribute have special meaning in a Rails project?