I developed a plugin with Settings link that was working fine in WordPress 2.7. Version 2.8 brings some additional security features that cause Settings link displaying message: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
This is the API hook I use to create link:
function folksr_plugin_action($links, $file) {
if (strstr($file, 'folksr/folksr.php')) {
$fl = "<a href=\"options-general.php?page=folksr/settings.php\">Settings</a>";
return array_merge(array($fl), $links);
return $links;
add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'folksr_plugin_action', 10, 2);
Full source code available at plugin page.
Settings screen does not contain any additional logic, just a couple of options and HTML echoed to the screen.
Suprisingly enough, Codex does not return anything for search phrase "plugin_action_links". Can you provide example or point me to working code for Settings link in Plugins menu?