I need to be able to use WebClient in a partiular way, I need to download an image as a Byte Stream and assign this to an Image, there are multiple images and items to be assigned, and these will appear in a list. This application is a Silverlight 3 application, solution must be one that works in Silverlight.
I have a Download Method I wish to use:
Public Sub Download(ByRef Source As Uri, ByRef Target As BitmapImage)
Dim _Client As New WebClient
_Client.OpenReadAsync(Source, Target)
AddHandler _Client.OpenReadCompleted, AddressOf Downloaded
End Sub
Here is the Downloaded Event Handler (Partial Implementation), which uses a ToByteArray Method to convert the downloaded image data to an array of Bytes.
Private Sub Downloaded(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As OpenReadCompletedEventArgs)
If Not e.Cancelled Then
Dim Bytes As Byte() = ToByteArray(e.Result)
Dim Bitmap As New BitmapImage
' Set Target Bitmap Here
End If
End Sub
The Target Image to be set to the Downloaded Image (Target) is passed in as a UserToken to the OpenReadAsync Method, and can be read using the OpenReadCompletedEventArgs UserState Property, however this is ReadOnly - I need to set the Target to the Downloaded Image, inside the Downloaded Method.
How can the Image Source / Bitmap Image passed in as the UserToken in the Download Method be set in the Downloaded Method?