how do i match each of the following with regex ?
some text includes [any number of character].
need to pull the entire [asdfasdf]
I need to pull the sometext
mary and drugs
I need to pull " and ", spaces included.
how do i match each of the following with regex ?
some text includes [any number of character].
need to pull the entire [asdfasdf]
I need to pull the sometext
mary and drugs
I need to pull " and ", spaces included.
irb(main):002:0> "some text include [abcdef]".match(/\[(.*)\]/)[1]
=> "abcdef"
irb(main):005:0> "@table_id='2356'".match(/'(.*)'/)[1]
=> "2356"
irb(main):006:0> "mary and drugs".match(/mary(.*)drugs/)[1]
=> " and "