i wanna get a price inside a page and then multiple it by 0.93 then write the result after first price. but i couldn't be able to grab the price from page.
for example i want to grap "900 TL" string from "900 TL"
you can see all codes of page by visiting http://www.sahibinden.com/cok%5Ftemiz%5Fasus%5Ff3jp%5Ft7200%5F2ghz%5F2gb%5Fram%5F256%5Fmb%5Fharici%5Fekran%5Fka-49WQQaXQQ17829315WQQpXQQdisplayitem
thx a lot.
edit: the "f16 bold" string counts only 1 on that page. so maybe we can get "900 TL" with this..