



I would like a table of the following form:

Point A         Point B           Mileage
Los Angeles     Miami             292100
Palo Alto       San Francisco     90

I was hoping to use Google Maps or some other geo api to generate mileage based on input cities dynamically. Any ideas on how to do this?

UPDATE It looks like I could use the getDistance() function in GDirections. I could write JavaScript without too much difficulty to do this, but how would I incorporate that into Excel?

I could put the JS in an html file that takes a query string and returns the distance of the route. Then, I could set Excel up to use that connection. Or is that an excessive amount of work? And hasn't something like this been done before?


So, you can use Google's API to get a latitude and longitude for each point (maybe in your case, you just want any point in those cities). Then you can use the Halversine distance formula:

For VBA, I have this function in my library that I got from somewhere. On first glance, it looks right and it yields the distance in kilometers (just convert it to miles for your purpose).

Public Function HaversineDistance(ByVal Lat1 As Double, _
                            ByVal Lat2 As Double, _
                            ByVal Long1 As Double, _
                            ByVal Long2 As Double) As Double

    Const R As Integer = 6371   'earth radius in km

    Dim DeltaLat As Double, DeltaLong As Double
    Dim a As Double, c As Double
    Dim Pi As Double

    On Error GoTo ErrorExit

    Pi = 4 * Atn(1)

    'convert Lat1, Lat2, Long1, Long2 from decimal degrees into radians
    Lat1 = Lat1 * Pi / 180
    Lat2 = Lat2 * Pi / 180
    Long1 = Long1 * Pi / 180
    Long2 = Long2 * Pi / 180

    'calculate change in Latitude and Longitude
    DeltaLat = Abs(Lat2 - Lat1)
    DeltaLong = Abs(Long2 - Long1)

    a = ((Sin(DeltaLat / 2)) ^ 2) + (Cos(Lat1) * Cos(Lat2) * ((Sin(DeltaLong / 2)) ^ 2))
    'c = 2 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(Sqr(a), Sqr(1 - a))                     'expressed as radians
    c = 2 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Atan((Sqr(1 - a)) / (Sqr(a)))
    HaversineDistance = R * c
End Function

(Note to other commenters, I'm not interested in hearing about how such accuracy is unnecessary so please don't bother tell me!)

That is nice, but I'm more interested in "how many miles along roads" than "as the crow flies"
Oh, ok that's nice.
+1  A: 

Google currently only provide legal access to driving distances through the client side APIs (Javascript and Flash). Even if they ever do get round to implementing Issue 235: Get driving directions via HTTP , it would still be against Google's Terms (para 10.12) to use the data for purposes other than display on a Google Map.

Mike Williams