



We do distributed agile development and could really us a solution like story cards on a wall/board, only on a webpage where you could easily drag and drop them. Any suggestions? Thanks.

+1  A: 

See if scrumy suits. It's a tool roughly based on scrum. You create stories from them assign tasks to a story board assign them to people. In fact it is exactly what you've asked for! :)

You can set up a free project and play around with it.

Screenshot here

John Nolan
+1  A: 

Not drag and drop, but I find basecamp very nice for agile development.


maybe a Bit oversized for your purposes, but targetprocess is a nice full blown project Management Software. It has a nice Kanban Board which fulfills your stroyboard requirement including Drag&Drop. It is free for up to 5Users.

Johannes Rudolph

I have used xPlanner before successfully.

Also, I have seen peole use Google Sites for similar effect. Either is drag and drop though


Take a look at Assembla tickets and its agile planner, it is a way to go. Drag & Drop for:

  • to make tickets and user-stories
  • to sort tickets inside a milestone
  • to sort user stories
  • to move stories/tickets between milestones

sorting will be available on Monday(26 Oct) with next release as they promised.

Finally distributed agile development is a way that Assembla is doing their client jobs.


For User Stories, I find Pivotal Tracker to be awesome. It automatically fits user stories into each iteration based on computed velocity. Implements just enough workflow so everyone understands what they're responsible for. And is one of the cleanest, nicest implementations I've seen. (Although AgileZen is up there too... that app is gorgeous - but I just didn't gel with it in the same way)

However the drag-drop in PivotalTracker is limited to User Story-level objects. You don't move tasks around. For a more this-sprint/iteration task board, Scrumy is probably the one to go for.


You could try using

+1  A: 

Mingle may be something to explore and see if it'll work for your situation.

JB King