I am writing small snippets in Perl and DBI (SQLite yay!)
I would like to log some specific queries to text files having the same filename as that of the table name(s) on which the query is run.
Here is the code I use to dump results to a text file :
sub dumpResultsToFile {
my ( $query ) = @_;
# Prepare and execute the query
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
# Open the output file
open FILE, ">results.txt" or die "Can't open results output file: $!";
# Dump the formatted results to the file
$sth->dump_results( 80, "\n", ", ", \*FILE );
# Close the output file
close FILE or die "Error closing result file: $!\n";
Here is how I can call this :
dumpResultsToFile ( <<" END_SQL" );
SELECT TADA.fileName, TADA.labelName
What I effectively want is, instead of stuff going to "results.txt" ( that is hardcoded above ), it should now go to "TADA.txt".
Had this been a join between tables "HAI" and "LOL", then the resultset should be written to "HAI.LOL.txt"
Is what I am saying even possible using some magic in DBI?
I would rather do without parsing the SQL query for tables, but if there is a widely used and debugged function to grab source table names in a SQL query, that would work for me too.
What I want is just to have a filename that gives some hint as to what query output it holds. Seggregating based on table name seems a nice way for now.