I have a secondhand sale car database and four tables with relationships. Same column names have relationships.
Tables are:
: RecID Markname Model...
: FeatureID Featurename
: MarkID Markname
: CarfeatureID RecID FeatureID
Now, i want to delete a mark from Marks in c#. When i delete a mark, SQL must delete all records who has this mark.
I used a query like that:
DELETE from Carfeature
where RecID = (select RecID
from Record
where Mark = (select markname
from Marks
where MarkID=@MarkID))";
string sorgudelmarkfromrecord = "DELETE from Record where Mark=(select Markname from Marks where MarkID=@MarkID)";
string sorgudelmark = "DELETE from Marks where MarkID=@MarkID";
When i run this, i get an error message like this:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been terminated.
So, how can i delete multiple data from a table?