(distributor_code+ '-' +master_dealer_code+ '-' +state_code+ '-' +dealer_code) as agent_code,
agent_type, company,contact_person, status, created_date as date,
WHEN contact_mobile_no IS NOT NULL THEN contact_mobile_no
WHEN contact_mobile_no IS NULL and contact_office_no IS NOT NULL THEN contact_office_no
END) as contact_no
from sdms_agent
where agent_type ='{?AgentType}' and status ='{?Status}'
order by (distributor_code+ '-' +master_dealer_code+ '-' +state_code+ '-' +dealer_code)
Actually I want to set two parameters in the crystal report. where agent_type (Main,DIstributor,Master Dealer,Dealer) & status(active,unsigned,terminate,suspend).
I actually get the parameter. But when I choose the agent_type or status, I can only one by one choose and view on the report. Example: For agent_type I choose Distributor, status I choose Active. It sure will come out with the right report for it.
But let's say I now want to view the Distributor with all the status. But it's not working, even though I tried putting '%e%'. It really can't come out with the result. I want a list which contains distributors with different status, or alternatively different agent_type with one status, or view all in the report.