



I'm trying to run PHP from the command line under Windows XP.

That works, except for the fact that I am not able to provide parameters to my PHP script.

My test case:

echo "param = ".$param."\n";  

I want to call this as:

php.exe -f test.php -- param=test

But I never get the script to accept my parameter.

The result I get from the above script

`PHP Notice: Undefined variable: param in C:\test.php on line 2

param = ''
array(2) {
  [0]=> string(8) "test.php"
  [1]=> string(10) "param=test"

I am trying this using PHP 5.2.6. Is this a bug in PHP5?

The parameter passing is handled in the online help Note: If you need to pass arguments to your scripts you need to pass -- as the first argument when using the -f switch. This seemed to be working under PHP4, but not under PHP5. Under PHP4 I could use the same script that could run on the server without alteration on the command line. This is handy for local debugging, for example saving the output in a file to be studied.

+2  A: 

Why do you have any expectation that param will be set to the value? You're responsible for parsing the command line in the fashion you desire, from the $argv array.

Adam Wright

$argv is an array containing all your commandline parameters... You need to parse that array and set $param yourself.

$tmp = $argv[1];             // $tmp="param=test"
$tmp = explode("=", $tmp);   // $tmp=Array( 0 => param, 1 => test)

$param = $tmp[1];            // $param = "test";
+1  A: 

PHP does not parameterize your command line parameters for you. See the output where your 2nd entry in ARGV is "param=test".

What you most likely want is to use the PEAR package "A full featured command line options and arguments parser".

Or you can be masochistic and add code to go through your ARGV and set the parameters yourself. Here's a very simplistic snippet to get you started (this won't work if the first part isn't a valid variable name or there is more than 1 '=' in an ARGV part:

foreach($argv as $v) {
    if(false !== strpos($v, '=')) {
     $parts = explode('=', $v);
     ${$parts[0]} = $parts[1];
Jeremy Weathers

You can do something like:

if($argc > 1){
    if($argv[1] == 'param=test'){
     $param = 'test';

Of course, you can get much more complicated than that as needed.

Derek Kurth

The parameter passing is handled in the online help Note: If you need to pass arguments to your scripts you need to pass -- as the first argument when using the -f switch. This seemed to be working under PHP4, but not under PHP5.

But PHP still doesn't parse those arguments. It just passes them to the script in the $argv array.

The only reason for the -- is so that PHP can tell which arguments are meant for the PHP executable and which arguments are meant for your script.

That lets you do things like this:

php -e -n -f myScript.php -- -f -n -e

(The -f, -n, & -e after the -- are passed to myScript.php. The ones before are passed to PHP itself).

Mark Biek

you can use the $argv array. like this:

 echo  $argv[1];

remember that the first member of the $argv array (which is $argv[0]) is the name of the script itself, so in order to use the parameters for the application, you should start using members of the $argv[] from the '1'th index. when calling the application, use this syntax:

php myscript.php -- myValue

there is no need to put a name for the parameter. as you saw, what you called the var_dump() on the $argv[], the second member (which is the first parameter) was the string PARAM=TEST. right? so there is no need to put a name for the param. just enter the param value.


You could use something like

if (isset($argv[1]) {
 $arg1 = $argv[1];             
 $arg1 = explode("=", $arg1);   
 $param = $arg1[1];            

(how to handle the lack of parameter/s is up to you) or if you need a more complex scenario, look into a commandline parser library such as the one from Pear.

using the ${$parts[0]} = $parts[1]; posted in another solution lets you override any variable in your code, which doesnt really sound safe.


If you like living on the cutting edge, PHP 5.3 has the getOpt() command which will take care of all this messy business for you. Somewhat.
