



I have a single table containing many users. In that table I have column called user_id (INT), which I want increment separately for each person. user_id MUST start at 1

I've prepared a simple example:

Showing all names
| user_id      | name                  |
| 1            | Bob                   |
| 1            | Marry                 |
| 2            | Bob                   |
| 1            | John                  |
| 3            | Bob                   |
| 2            | Marry                 |

Showing only where name = Bob
| user_id      | name                  |
| 1            | Bob                   |
| 2            | Bob                   |
| 3            | Bob                   |

The following query will do this, but it will only work if 'Bob' already exists in the table...

INSERT INTO users(user_id, name) SELECT(SELECT MAX(user_id)+1 from users where 
name='Bob'), 'Bob';

If Bob does not exist (first entry) user_id is set to 0 (zero). This is the problem. I need the user_id to start from 1 not 0.


Don't use MAX() + 1 then. Use an auto-numbering scheme on the table.

I didn't read the question properly. Use Greg's suggestion of IFNULL().

Randolph Potter
Won't an auto-numbering scheme on the table number each record sequentially, rather than making the first "Bob" 1 and the second "Bob" 2, and the first "Chad" 1 and then second "Chad" 2 and so on?
Dave Webb
I didn't read the question properly. I'll defer to Greg's answer with IFNULL().
Randolph Potter

You can use IFNULL:

INSERT INTO users(user_id, name)
SELECT(IFNULL((SELECT MAX(user_id)+1 from users where name='Bob'), 1), 'Bob';
looks like it would work but for some reason mysql throws a syntax error:...syntax to use near 'SELECT MAX(user_id)+1 from users where name='Bob'),1), 'Bob'' at line 1
@Chad: Replace `IFNULL(` with `IFNULL((` and it will work, it's just unbalanced parentheses.
Lukáš Lalinský
Yes, that's why it didn't work. I wonder which method is quicker/best.
Oops, fixed the missing bracket. There's very little difference between mine and @Lukas's answers - use whichever you find easier to read / understand.
+1  A: 

You can use something like this:

INSERT INTO users (user_id, name)
SELECT 1 + coalesce((SELECT max(user_id) FROM users WHERE name='Bob'), 0), 'Bob';

But such query can lead to a race condition. Make sure you are in a transaction and you lock the users table before running it. Otherwise you might end up with two Bobs with the same number.

Lukáš Lalinský
This works! THANK YOU!
Yes, the query works, but please don't ignore the second part. :) Or if you decide to ignore it, at least create an unique index on `(name, user_id)` so that the query that would otherwise produce a duplicate fails.
Lukáš Lalinský
That was my next question actually, it's here:

It's been reported as a bug in MySQL.

I'm quoting Guilhem Bichot:

Second, here is the simplest of workarounds:
instead of using:
insert into foo(lfd) values((select max(lfd) from foo)+1)
just do
insert into foo(lfd) select (max(lfd)+1) from foo;
